British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced on the evening of May 22, local time, announced outside the Gate of Tangning Street, and the new British election will be held on July 4.

Sunak said that he had a dialogue with King Charles III in the morning, please dissolve the parliament to the house.He said that this election will be held at the most dangerous moment in the world since the Cold War.

Sunak mentioned that Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Middle East extremism, China seeking to stand at the world's cutting -edge in the field of science and technology, and the challenges of hostile countries to nourish British border defense, and have brought to Britain.

He called on the citizens to choose decisive actions in the election to ensure that Britain's stable in the future.Under the British constitutional practice, most parties in the House of Commons will have the right to organize a new government, and the leader of the largest party will become the new British Prime Minister.

Labor leader Sir Keir Starmer told voters that the future of Britain is in "your hands" and said "we can stop chaos together, we can open a new page, we can we canBeginning to rebuild Britain. "

Shortly after Sonak's announcement of the general election on July 4, the Labor leader said that the vote will be an opportunity to "better" the country.

Since the Labor Party is far ahead in the public opinion survey, Sir Kyle Stammer has been calling on Prime Minister Sonak to hold an election for a few months, but few people predict that the news will be announced now.


Chris Mason

The election kicked off.

Power will quickly flow from Westminster, flowing away from those who currently have power.Politicians and its future -but more importantly, the direction of the country -will be in the hands of voters.

The Prime Minister announced the general election on the July 4th gate of the Prime Minister. The heavy rain was pouring, and music sounded outside the gate of Tangning Street.

What song is it?An old song in the 1990s, D: Ream's things will only become better (Things Can only get better), you may still remember the song of the Tony Blair era.

For a few weeks, people are increasingly looking forward to holding elections in autumn. In this way, the new Prime Minister has at least two years of office, and the economic prospects have greater improvement opportunities.Just a few days ago, when I participated in the conversation of the summer election, a very senior government person told me that "there is no reason to be excited."

Yesterday, I had more than an hour of conversation with another very senior conservative party.The event may still be carried out vigorously.

But not everyone knows the inside.

The decision may be on the blade -some people have persuaded Sonak to step down early, and Vice Prime Minister Oliver Dowden is one of them.

Those who put forward this argument believe that the situation may not improve much, and if it continues to be delayed, the desire of voters hopes to get the right to speak as soon as possible may make the Failure of the Conservative Party worsen.

Inflation decreases

In other words, you can do it now, otherwise the situation may be worse.The Prime Minister can also point out that some of his goals have been achieved at least or seemingly realized.

Today's decreased inflation figures can be said to be a success.Of course, this is not the result of government behavior.> But when inflation is high, the government will be accused, so we have reason to believe that when inflation falls, the government will try to draw some credit -the fact is true.

The overall economic situation seems to be more bright.> Then there is a plan to send asylum to Rwanda.

This plan has not yet been implemented, but the first flight of the flight seems to be imminent, and it may even be implemented during the campaign. However, the statement about this plan will not be verified before the vote day.

The campaign began.

The Conservative Party will repeatedly emphasize: be careful to get thousands of years.The Labor Party and other parties will repeatedly emphasize that it is time to change.

No matter what happens, the results will be very different.

Either polls are roughly correct, and the ruling party will change; or public opinion investigation is wrong, then it will be one of the biggest subversion in recent years.

What is the latest poll result?

Peter Barnes, a senior political analyst at BBC (BBC), wrote that Rishi Sunak has launched a shot of the election -the general election will be held on July 4.

Public opinion survey shows that his Conservative Party lags far behind its main competitors at the beginning of the campaign.

In fact, in the past 12 months, the polls of the Labor Party have been more than 40%.> The latest polls show that the Labor Party's support rate is 45%, while the Conservative Party is only 23%.

Of course, public opinion surveys may also make mistakes. Sunak hopes that with the progress of the campaign, the news of economic improvement and the attention of the party's policy program will help the Conservative Party reverse the situation.

But from the current situation, the Labor Party is far ahead in polls at the beginning of the campaign.The Reform UK is ranked third, but because their support rates are evenly distributed throughout the country, it is difficult to transform these support rates into parliamentary seats.

The average support rate of the Liberal Democratic Party has been maintained at about 10%, but they want to be able to gain some of them by focusing on their target seats.

The support rate of polls in the Green Party has risen in recent weeks, and they will also focus on places they think they can win.For the Scottish National Party (SNP) and the Plaid Cymru, polls across the country do not well measure their support in Scotland and Wales.

Now the campaign has begun, there may be more polls than usual.All polls are based on the samples of the interviewees, usually more than 1,000, and then weighted to represent the whole country.There is always an error in polls, which means that the actual support rate may be higher or lower than any of the polls.

We estimate that the true support rate of political parties is within the scope displayed here.