The United States announced that after improving tariffs on Chinese imported goods such as electric vehicles, lithium batteries, and semiconductors, the China National Development and Reform Commission said that with the Fed's multiple rounds of interest rate hike operations, the inflation rate in the United States seems to enter the fall channel, butFrom a practical point of view, the additional tariffs will cause anti -inflation to reducing the United States.

The National Development and Reform Commission of China on Wednesday (May 22) posted on the official website that in the first quarter of this year, the US personal consumption expenditure index (PCE) and the core PCE growth rates were 3.4%, respectively.3.7%, the four quarter highs in the past; in April, the consumer price index (CPI) in the United States increased by 3.4%year -on -year and 0.3%month -on -month.

The article says that this round of high inflation in the United States during the epidemic is a composite inflation that is a cost -promoting and demand -driven type.At present, as the Fed's monetary policy has been accelerated, the impact of demand factors has been attenuated, but the growth rate of rent prices reflecting housing demand is still significantly higher than the level before the epidemic, and the factors that limit the fall rate of inflation still exist.

The article emphasizes that the United States will impose tariffs on electric vehicles and other products imported from China.

The Development and Reform Commission said that on the one hand, the long -term tariffs are not helpful for the development of the United States' own industry.At present, a large number of non -national enterprises involved in the list of supporting companies in the world's well -known vehicle or whole machine companies. This integration and mutual learning is an important driving force for industrial innovation.Whether it is to split the industrial chain supply chain in the name of "de -risk", or weaken the competitiveness of the goods in other countries by improving tariffs and raising barriers, it is narrow and short -sighted.The delayed survival of the fittest will affect the long -term development of the industry.

The Development and Reform Commission continued to finger, on the other hand, the tariffs were imposed to anti -reducing the United States to reduce inflation.The person in charge of the government relations of the National Retailer Federation stated that when consumers continue to fight inflation, the least thing that the government should do is to increase taxes on imported products.American consumers bear.The U.S. tariffs on tariffs will lead to high inflation, which will undoubtedly directly affect its domestic investor and consumer confidence, and weaken the endogenous motivation of economic growth.

The White House announced on May 14 that it will impose tariffs on imported goods such as electric vehicles, lithium batteries, semiconductors and port cranes worth $ 18 billion (S $ 24.3 billion), and other tariffs.The U.S. Trade Representative Office said on Wednesday that some measures for tariffs will take effect on August 1.