The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China criticized US Secretary of State Brills on Tuesday (May 21) Congratulations to Taiwan's new president Lai Qingde and called on the United States to stop blurating and empty the Chinese principle.

Brinton said in a press release issued earlier on the official website of the US State Department that the United States congratulated Lai Qingde as Taiwan and look forward to cooperating with Lai Qingde and Taiwan's political factions. "Promote our common interests and values, deepen usLong -term unofficial relationships maintain peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait. "

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China, said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that the United States' approach seriously violates the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States.Political commitment of cultural business and other non -official relations.Mainland China strongly dissatisfied and resolutely opposed it, and has proposed to the United States with a serious negotiation.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that there is only one China in the world. Taiwan is an inseparable part of China's territory. The issue of Taiwan is the core of China's core interests and the first irreplaceable red line in China -US relations.China has always resolutely opposed the official exchanges between the United States and Taiwan's development, and resolutely oppose the United States to interfere in Taiwan's affairs in any way.

Wang Wenbin called on the United States to effectively abide by President Biden does not support Taiwan independence, do not support "two China", "one China and one", and do not use Taiwan as a tool to curb China and other commitments.In principle, stop supporting the split forces of Taiwan independence in any way, and stop destroying the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.