China's official Tuesday (May 21) announced that Cragger, former chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee of the China House of Representatives, has adopted countermeasures, including frozen Garrat's real estate, real estate and other in ChinaVarious types of property, no visa, no entry.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the official website refers to Mike Gallagher on the official website. In recent years, it has frequently adopted words and deeds that interfere with China's internal affairs, damage China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and violate China's interests.

China will freeze Garrat's property, real estate and various other types of property in China, and prohibit the organizations, individuals in China conduct relevant transactions and cooperation activities with Gragel in China.Gel did not issue a visa and was not allowed to enter the country.

The China House of Representatives China Special Committee was established after the Republican Party controlled the House of Representatives last year and was the first chairman of Garrat.Garrat resigned in April as a member of the Representatives, and the post of chairman of the Special Committee has been taken over by another member of John Moolnaar.