(Hanoi Composite Electric) The Vietnamese Congress officially elected the Minister of Public Security Sulin as the President of the State.Analysts pointed out that this is the springboard for Su Lin to become the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, and his biggest competitor is currently the prime minister Fan Mingzheng, which means that the more internal power fighting may become more intense.

Vietnamese Parliament voted on Wednesday (May 22). To Lam, a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, was elected as the President of the State President, with a term of office until 2026.Among the unknown votes, 473 of the 473 members voted for votes.Su Lin subsequently sworn in, indicating that he would resolutely crack down on corruption.

66 -year -old Su Lin was nominated as President of Vietnam last week.Before he was elected, the Vietnam Parliament appointed Chen Qingmin, the executive vice chairman of Congress on Monday (20) as the chairman of Congress, and finally relieved the political turmoil that lasted two months.

However, analysts pointed out that the Vietnamese political situation is still unstable, because who will become the successor of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Ruan Fuzhong is the most important battle.

Su Lin's ability to defeat Fan Mingzheng

On the same day of Su Lin's election of the President of the State, Congress passed the temporary motion of the Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng, eliminating Su Lin's post of Minister of Public Security.In the Vietnam Researcher Researcher Ruan Kejiang, the Vietnamese Research Institute of Easov Isaf, Singapore, said in an interview with Agence France -Presse that some people did not want Su Lin or his relatives to continue to control anti -corruption operations.

Zachary Abuza, a professor of Southeast Asian politics, pointed out that Su Lin is the vice chairman of the Vietnam Central Anti -Corruption Commission. Through this positionThe competitors make the opponent only Fan Mingzheng.It is removed from the post of Minister of Public Security, which means weakening Su Lin's ability to defeat Fan Mingzheng.

A number of senior leaders in Vietnam have recently stepped down due to violations of party regulations or involving improper behaviors, including the former President of the State President Wu Wenzhan and the former chairman of Congress Wang Tinghui.Although the official did not specifically explain their violations, it was believed that they were all related to the "furnace" anti -corruption movement.

Ruan Fuzhong, an 80 -year -old Ruan Fuzhong, will end his third general secretary in 2026. After the Wuwen appreciation originally regarded as a potential successor, he will have analyzed that the remaining candidates only believe that Fan Mingzheng or Su Su or Su Su or Su SuForest.

Carl Thayer, an honorary professor of political science at the University of New South Wales in Australia, told Reuters that Su Lin became the President of the State at this time and could just use one of the "four pillars" as the general campaign.Secretary's stepping stone.

Vietnamese politics has always been said to be "four -driving carriage", which are General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, President of the Communist Party, President, Prime Minister and President of Congress.

Florian Feyrabnd, representative of Vietnam, also believes that the power fighting of the Communist Party will continue.He said: "Promoted to the President of the State, Su Lin obviously has a greater ambition than retirement."