(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese government announced on Wednesday that 12 U.S. military companies including Lockheed Martin and Raytheon, and 10 senior managers, adopted countermeasures.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Wednesday (May 22) on its official website that this decision will be implemented from now on.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China claims that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on the Anti -Foreign Sanctions Law, it has decided to have 12 companies including Lockheed Martin Martial Arts and Fire Control Company, Jianjian joint venture, Thor Learning Missile System Company, and General Power Information Technology Company.Frozen their real estate, real estate and other types of property in China.

The countermeasures of the Chinese government also include 10 executives of Northrop Grumman Corporation and General Dynamics Corp, which do not issue visas.Including Hong Kong and Macau).

Regarding the reasons for adopting countermeasures, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the United States ignored China ’s objective and fair position and constructive role in the Ukrainian crisis."About:/Realtime/World/Story20240502-3549479" target = _blank> illegal unilateral sanctions , to engage in unilateral bullying and economic coercion, which seriously violates Chinese enterprises, institutions and individuals.

In addition, the United States continues to sell A> (Mike Gallagher) take countermeasures.

The Ministry of Commerce of China announced on the 20th that Three U.S. military companies participating in Taiwan's military sales , including General Atomic Airlines,System companies, General Power Land Systems, as well as Boeing Defense, Space and Security Group.