(Beijing Comprehensive News) The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Tuesday that Mike Gallagher, former chairman of the China House of Representatives Special Committee, has frequently adopted words and deeds that violate China in recent years, and announced that he has taken countermeasures against him.Essence

China Foreign Affairs website released on Tuesday (May 21), saying that former Federal Representative Michael Mike Gragel, former Federal Council of Wisconsin, has frequently adopted interference in China's internal affairs, harming China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and infringing the interests of China.words and deeds.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China announced that in accordance with the Anti -Foreign Sanctions Law of the People's Republic of China, frozen Garrat's real estate, real estate and other types of property in China, and prohibiting organizations and individuals in China from conducting transactions and cooperation with himself., Without issuing visas, not allowing him to enter the country, such as countermeasures.

After the United States Republicans controlled the House of Representatives in 2023, they set up a special committee of China Issues, as the first chairman of Garrat.He has resigned from the members of the members and the relevant positions of Congress in April this year.

Garragel successfully promoted the House of Representatives in March this year to pass a bill with an overwhelming advantage, asking the Chinese technology company byte beating in Tiktok within six months, otherwise the video platform will be banned in the United States.

Garrator visited Taiwan with Congress cross-party members .The president Lai Qingde and the vice president Xiao Meiqin were held, and had negotiated with the Legislative Yuan and the vice president of the Legislative Yuan and the vice president of the Legislative Yuan.