Chinese permanent representative of the United Nations Fu Cong on Monday (May 20) said that Israel must immediately stop military offensive against Lafa. I hope that the United States will act as a country that has an important impact on Israel to promote the ceasefire of Gaza to stop fire stopping.Battle play a role.

According to a press release issued by the Chinese Permanent Mission of the United Nations delegation, the UN Security Council held a Pakistani issue public meeting that day.During the meeting, Fu Cong said that the outbreak of the Gaza conflict has been more than 220 days. Everyone has witnessed unprecedented civilian casualties, unprecedented infrastructure damage, and unprecedented humanitarian disasters.Although the international community has repeatedly issued an immediate ceasefire appeal, the Security Council's decision has made clear requests, but Israel has ignored it.In the face of strong opposition to the international community, Israel is still promoting a large -scale attack on Lafa, which has forced hundreds of thousands of Gaza people to move again. China has expressed serious concern and strong opposition.

Fu Cong emphasized that there is no reason to defend the conflict, and collectively punish civilians will not create favorable conditions for the rescue of hostages.Israel must immediately stop the military offensive against Lafa.China supports the Security Council to take further actions to ensure that the requirements of the Security Council No. 2728 will be implemented.It is hoped that the United States, as a country that has an important influence on Israel, upholds a fair position and effectively play a role in promoting the ceasefire and stop war.

Fu Cong said that the current humanitarian disaster of Gaza cannot be imagined.The occupation of the Lafa transit was seriously hindered by the access of humanitarian supplies. Humanitarian supplies transported from Jordan to Gaza from Jordan were blocked and destroyed. Humanitarian workers and United Nations personnel faced many obstacles and life risks. This situation was unacceptable.Land transportation is the key to achieving large -scale access to humanitarian supplies, and there is no other way to replace it.Israel should effectively fulfill the obligations of international law and international humanitarian law, and immediately open all land transit points to ensure the supply of basic survival materials such as food, drugs, fuels.The UN near -East Palestinian refugee relief and engineering office was attacked on the west bank of the Jordan River, which was shocking. China demanded that the occupation of the incident was thoroughly investigated and held accountable.

Fu Cong also said that the "two -country plan" is the only feasible way to solve the problem of Pakistani.China supports Palestinian independent nations and supports Palestine as a formal member of the United Nations as soon as possible.Gasha is an indifferent part of Palestine. Any plan for the Gaza after the war should respect the willingness of the Palestinian people. They should respect the reasonable concern of regional countries, and they cannot deviate from the basic direction of the "two countries".

Fu Cong finally said that on May 15th, it was Palestine's 76th "Disaster Day".For decades, a generation of Palestinians struggled to fight for legitimate rights.China will continue to make unremitting efforts with the international community, promote Gaza to stop fire, alleviate humanitarian disasters, and implement the "two countries", so that Palestine's "disaster day" will always become history, realize the peaceful coexistence of Pakistan and long -term stability in the Middle East.