The cracks between the Philippine President President Marco and former President Duterte are expanding.According to polls, nearly half of the Philippines are worried about the continued nervousness of these two political families.The Philippine Political Observer believes that the two families were originally political opponents, and the policy insights were very different. Political marriage was expected. The election of next year was a key test for the survival of this political alliance.

The differences between the two major families of Madu were disclosed in the media last year.According to the Philippine media reports, Duterte denied that he was inciting retired officers to launch a coup to overthrow Macco.After that, the two people's suspicion became larger and larger, including the official television station of the TV station to temporarily shut down the TV station operated by Duterte's supporters.Marco and Duterte accused each other of drug abuse of drugs.

The national polls released by the Philippine polls WR NUMERO (referred to as WRN) on April 24 showed that 47%of the Philippines were worried about the political tension between the two major camps of Madu and thought that this was the future.One uncertain factor.This poll started from March 12th to 24th and visited 1765 adults across the country.

The crack group has already appeared

Philippine political scholar, WRN chairman Cleve Arguelles, said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that the alliance of the two families was to win the 2022 presidential election.In expected.

Little Marco reversed Duterte's "pro -Chinese sparse beauty" policy as soon as he took office, and adopted a tougher stance on China on response to the South China Sea issue.In mid -April this year, Duterte accepted an exclusive interview with the Global Times and expressed dissatisfaction with Marco's foreign policy.

However, Agus pointed out that the cracks of the two major families have appeared as early as Magaks' cab.

Duterte's daughter, Vice President Sarara originally strived to concurrently serve as the Minister of Education, but was assigned the Minister of Education, and the cousin of Xiaomaks and the Speaker of the House of Representatives to reduce her secret funds, and thenThere have been signs of splitting.

Analysis generally believes that the Duterte camp's Sarah and the Little Marco camp Roomaldes both intended to run for the next president, becoming one of the reasons for the continuous disputes between the two major families.

WRN's poll results also show that Sarah is the first popular candidate for the next president.With 29%of her support led the pioneer Turford (21%) and former Vice President Robreto (12%), Roomaldes only received a 1%support rate.

In addition, Pagot supports constitutional amendments to promote economic development and open an open attitude towards the upper limit of the office of government officials. The criticism of the Duterte camp and the opposition are paved for the continued power.According to the Constitution, the Philippine President's term of office is six years and cannot seek re -election.

Both parties strive for continuing power

Singapore Yusov Usa East South Asia Senior visited researcher Aries Arugay told Lianhe Zaobao that the two major political camps were split, not just because Xiaomakus supported the constitutional amendment, but "the two sides are in the two sides are inThere are differences in basic policies, such as foreign policy and crackdown on drugs. "

Danilo Arao, deputy professor of the Department of Volkswagen Media of the University of the Philippines, analyzed in an analysis that Maccoce would continue his power to further rewrite history and rule his father and former President Laomaus's dictatorship.Wash white.Duterte has to master power and influence to avoid investigations and arrests from the International Criminal Court.

The International Criminal Court restarted investigations against Duterte's violence during his office last January.Martis has repeatedly stated that he refused to cooperate with the International Criminal Court. In November last year, it was said that the Philippines was considering re -joining the International Criminal Court.The International Criminal Court seems to be a thorn behind Duterte.

Alao bluntly, the two major families of Madu are not new to splitting. The political marriage of the Philippines in the past often split division when the election came."Political turmoil must exist, and with the arrival of the mid -term elections next year, this situation will be more obvious."

He predicts that increasing conflicts may lead to a separate political marriage, and in the coming mid -term elections and the 2028 presidential elections, it is high.

Observer not optimistic about marriage continues

The Philippine political observers generally do not like this political marriage that can persist until the end of the chronos.

Agus said that next year's midterm elections will be a test of the Madu Alliance, and the situation will be clearer at that time."If they can launch a common candidate, it shows that the alliance is still good, otherwise it means not far from the demise."

The Philippines will hold mid -term elections next year to re -election half of the Senate, members of the House of Representatives and local councils.

Augus predicts that after the mid -term election is over, the two major families will concentrate the firepower for the 2028 presidential election to prepare for war, and the tension may increase."If Machaus will not support Sarah (campaign president), Duterte has no reason to stay in the league."

Yarugar also said that if Martis supports another presidential candidate, it means that the "Madu Alliance" is completely disintegrated.

Alao believes that if the two families find a compromise when they pursue their own interests, this political marriage can still be maintained.