Chinese officials and Russian President Putin held a small -scale talks that "China is willing to always be good neighbors, good friends, and good partners with Russia, and continuously consolidate the friendship between the people of the two countries and realize their respective realizationThe country's development rejuvenation, work together to maintain world fairness and justice. "Putin also revealed that before the talks, the two sides had talked about energy, industry and agriculture and other issues.He also specifically mentioned cooperation in the field of high -tech, innovation, infrastructure construction and transportation.

Russian President Putin started a two-day visit to China on Thursday (May 16).China officially signed a joint statement for deepening relations between the two countries, which criticized the United States in a large space and mentioned that the two countries would strengthen coordination and cooperation to respond to the United States' "double curb" policy for China and Russia.

Putin's trip was the first visit after starting the new term on May 7, and it was also the second time he visited China in half a year.

He took a special plane to Beijing at around 4 am on Thursday, and went to the Great Hall of the People in the morning to attend the welcome ceremony held by the Chinese official for him.The two sides subsequently held a small and large -scale talks, which lasted about two and a half hours.

Comprehensive Xinhua News Agency and Russian satellite news agencies reported that when Chinese official talks in a small -scale talk, Putin called Putin as "my old friend" and congratulated him to start the term of the new president; Putin called the Chinese official "my dear old man"Friends" highlight the close personal relationship between the two sides.

Chinese officials emphasize: "China is willing to always be a good neighbor, good friend, and good partner with the Russian side, to continuously consolidate the friendship between the people of the two countries, to achieve the revitalization of their respective countries, and to maintain the fairness and justice of the world."

Putin said to Chinese officials that Russian -China relations are not a temporary relationship or for anyone."Today, our cooperation in international affairs is one of the main stable factors on the international stage."

He then emphasized that China is the main partner of Russia in the economy and trade field, and Russia also became China's fourth largest trading partner last year.

Putin also revealed that before the talks, the two sides had talked about energy, industry and agriculture and other issues.He also specifically mentioned cooperation in the field of high -tech, innovation, infrastructure construction and transportation.

The two sides subsequently held a large -scale talks and jointly signed and issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive strategic collaboration partnership partnership in the new era to witness the signing of many bilateral cooperation documents in the fields of economic and trade, natural protection, inspection and quarantine, and media., Subsequently met with reporters together.

Chinese officials described Sino -Russian relations at a press conference to "become a model for new international relations and neighboring relations."

He also mentioned that the two countries should further optimize the structure of cooperation, consolidate the good momentum of cooperation in traditional fields such as economic and trade, support the establishment of an basic scientific research platform network, continue to release the potential of cooperation in frontier fields, strengthen ports and transportation and logistics cooperation, maintain globalThe industrial chain supply chain is stable.

For regional conflicts, Chinese officials said, "I agree with President Putin that it is imminent to solve the problem of Pakistani conflict. It is necessary to effectively implement the UN resolutions and solve the Palestinian problem based on the 'two countries' plan'.Crisis is the right direction. "

Putin said at a press conference that Russia thanked Beijing for their proposal to mediate the Ukraine crisis. He also intends to report to the Chinese official situation about the Ukraine crisis when he held an informal meeting with Chinese officials that night.

According to a joint statement released by China, the two sides reiterated at the beginning that the current Sino -Russian relations "beyond the Cold War period's military and political alliance model, which has the nature of non -alliance, no confrontation, and no third parties."

State the United States 13 times, criticize its military deployment in the South Pacific, Asia -Pacific, and Europe to confront groups, and accuses the United States of deployed missiles from all over the world to "extreme damage to regional stability and direct security threat to China and Russia."

Statement emphasizes that China and Russia will strengthen coordination and cooperation, "the so -called 'dual curb" policy of the United States' constructive and hostile to the United States. "

Wang Hongren, a professor at the Department of Political Science at Taiwan Chenggong University, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the degree of criticism of the United States in the joint statement in the joint statement was more intense than that in 2023 when China officially visited Moscow.He believes that after Putin's visit to China, the opposition between China and Russia and Europe and the United States will be even more severe.