Former US Secretary of State Pompeo told the US media on Wednesday (May 15) that he would go to Taipei as his personal identity and participate in the inauguration ceremony of Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde.

Pompeo, who is currently a researcher at the Hudson Research Institute in the United States, told the Voice of America on Wednesday that he is just a civilian. If he has the opportunity to see Lai Qingde, in addition to congratulating him, he will also tell Lai Qingde: "I look forward to putting Taiwan in the first place. If he can do so and do it well, he should also be confident that the American people will continue to support the freedom of the people of Taiwan."It is reported that Wang Liangyu, the director of the North American Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan on Thursday (16th), responded to Pompeo's question about whether the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received relevant information that foreign guests from the United States and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a complete message.And will explain to the outside at the right time.

Pompeo served as Secretary of State during the administration of President Trump in the United States, holding a strong stance against China, and was also regarded as a political figure in Youtai.Mainland China announced his sanctions Pompeo after his current president Biden was sworn in in 2021.

On the other hand, the United States will send delegations to attend the inauguration of Lai Qingde.The United States emphasized on Wednesday that the Taiwan Association introduced the details of the delegation on the official website that the delegation will follow the precedent. It consists of two former US officials, a Taiwanese expert, the current chairman of the United States Association in the Taiwan Association, and the Director of the United States Association in the Taiwan Association.

The members of the delegation include the former presidential assistant and director of the National Economic Commission, Brian Deese, former Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, and Richard Bush, former chairman of the United States Association in Taiwan,To.

Laura Rosenberger, chairman of the United States Association in Taiwan, will accompany them together, and Sandra Oudkirk, director of the United States Association at the Taiwan Association, will also be with each other.

The United States Association in Taiwan said that the delegation will attend the inauguration ceremony on May 20 during the visit to Taiwan and meet with leaders from all walks of life.The delegation will also emphasize the United States' long -term commitment to maintaining peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.