(Geneva Comprehensive News) At the first meeting of China -US artificial intelligence government dialogue, China showed a strict position on the restrictions on the United States in the field of artificial intelligence in the field of artificial intelligence.

According to the official WeChat account of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the official WeChat account of the Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the "Vast Pacific" news, the meeting was held on Tuesday (May 14) in Geneva, Switzerland.Co -hosted with SETH Center, SETH Center, Setto National Security Council Technology and Senior National Security Director Tarun Chhabra.

双方围绕人工智能科技风险、全球治理、各自Other issues of concern "in -depth, professional, constructive" exchanged opinions.

China supports the strengthening of global governance of artificial intelligence at the conference, and advocates giving play to the role of the United Nations main channels. It is willing to strengthen communication and coordination with the international community including the United States, and form a global artificial intelligence governance framework and standard specifications with extensive consensus.China is also aimed at the restrictions on the United States in the field of artificial intelligence.

Reuters reported on May 8 that the US government is considering promoting new regulatory measures to restrict the export of exclusive and closed sources to Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran.Earlier, the United States has continuously expanded its technology export control in China, trying to prevent Chinese companies from training advanced AI models.

According to the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that the meeting was to implement the consensus of the San Francisco meeting in San Francisco.