According to AFP, US Secretary of State BroskyThe Shanghai itinerary arrived in Beijing on Thursday (April 25) in the afternoon to prepare talks with senior officials in China.On -site video showed that Yang Tao, director of the North American Oceania Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, took over the airport.

P> Brinken arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (24th) in the afternoon and started the second visit to China during his office.When he met with Chen Jining, the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China on Thursday morning, he said that the United States and China have obligations to deal with differentians of the people of "responsible" between the two countries and the world.

Brinken also went to Shanghai New York University that day to communicate with the teachers and students of the university.

According to previous reports, Brinkeit will have a talk with Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi in Beijing and may meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.