(Washington Comprehensive News) On the eve of the US Secretary of State Brills visited China, US officials revealed that the United States has initially discussed sanctions on some Chinese banks, but has not yet formulated plans for sanctions.

Anonymous U.S. officials told Reuters on Tuesday (April 23) that the United States did not plan to impose sanctions on Chinese banks in the short term, and hopes to avoid sanctions through diplomatic means.Blingken visited China on Wednesday (April 24). This is his visit to China again in less than a year.

Wall Street Journal's Monday (April 22) quoted people familiar with the matter that the United States is drafting sanctions that may cut off some Chinese banks and the global financial system to prevent China from commercial support for Russia's production of military industry.

The report did not mention which banks could be the goal of sanctions.However, Washington, which has so far been unwilling to sanction in China, avoids huge chain reactions to global economy and Sino -US relations.

It is usually the last sanctioned method that banks that are forbidden to use banks to dominate the world's dominant positions, because this often forces banks to go bankrupt.

The United States has sanctioned Chinese banks with small sanctions, such as Kunlun Bank, which cooperates with Iranian institutions.

U.S. officials have increased pressure on China in recent weeks to support Russia.Blingken said on April 19 at the Foreign Minister of the Seventh National Group (G7) that China was the main contributor to the Russian military industrial complex.US Treasury Secretary Yellen also warned Chinese banks and exporters before the end of April to visit China to help those who enhance Russian military capabilities will face serious consequences.