(Yangon Comprehensive News) The Myanmar military government has re -controlled Miaowa Date of the border trade town, and the tension of the Burma border seems to have stabilized.However, Thailand, which is worried that the situation will deteriorate, proposes to a meeting of members of the Asian'an in Asia to discuss how to resolve the Myanmar crisis.

The Burmese Minority Local Armed Forces Crang National Alliance spokesperson Satani told Reuters on Wednesday (April 24) that the Burmese Army launched a counterattack to capture myDemocratic League) The "temporary evacuation" trade town, but vowed to fight back.

Satani claimed that the Burmese army entered Miaowa Da with the help of a militia in a regional area, and the militia watched the sleeves when they were siege in Miaowa in early April.

He also said: "The Klun National PLA will ... destroy the Burmese forces and the subsequent aid forces to go to Miaowa."But he did not disclose what action will be taken in the next step.

Analysis: The resistance will not stop there, it is likely to be upgraded quickly

A Myanmar security analyst told Nikkei Asia: "No one thinks that the Myanmar military will give up ... but the resistance led by Kimin League will not stop there. They must consolidate the position and then attack Miaowa again.The situation is likely to be upgraded quickly, and it will continue here and elsewhere.

Thai Foreign Ministry spokesman Niko said on Wednesday that most Myanmar refugees have returned to home, which shows that the situation has improved significantly."Nevertheless, we are still paying close attention to the situation, because the situation is extremely uncertain and may change."

At the beginning of April this year, the violent conflict spread to Miaowa, forcing about 3,000 Burmese to escape from the MAE SOT Town of the TAK Mansion (TAK) last week.

As of Wednesday, there are about 650 Refugees left in Thailand.Thailand's Minister of Health Chongnan Monday (22) revealed that more than 100 injured Burmese civilians and soldiers are currently being treated in hospitals in Meisuo Town.

Thailand urgently hopes to reinstate the border of Messo Town in order to restore the impact of the impact on the Myanmar civil strife.

According to the data from the Ministry of Commerce of Myanmar, from April 2023 to March 2024, Miaowa's border trade volume totaled about $ 1.15 billion (about S $ 1.565 million).

Thailand proposes to discuss crisis with Laos, Indonesia, Malaysia

Thailand's Ministry of Foreign Affairs revealed on Wednesday that Thailand has proposed to Laos, the current Asian Danan Terry Chairman, Laos, and held a meeting with the rotating chairman of 2023 and 2025, Guo Indonesia and Malaysia to explore how to resolve the Myanmar crisis.

Asia's Daan reached a consensus last year, and the contact and dialogue with the Myanmar Military Government will be jointly promoted by the predecessor, the current and the next Asian Danan Terry.

The Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that the meeting may be held in Thailand and welcomes "any Asian Safe Member State" to participate.

The former Thai government held an informal meeting last June to re -contact the Burmese Military Government, causing controversy.In contact with Thailand's contact with all parties in Myanmar at that time, the Asianan country did not fully affirm, and some member states, including Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Singapore, finally did not invite to attend the meeting.

Thailand's consensus on the sub -Sales of Asia will be held to hold a meeting on Myanmar issues. It remains to be observed whether it can be respond to the response of various member states and achieve results.

Thailand Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ban Bi Bi Bi Bi Bi, on Tuesday (23rd), went to Mesuo Town to inspect with cabinet officials such as the Secretary of the Defense and the Minister of the Internal Affairs Ansteen.Banbi was just a special working group on Monday, and was responsible for the Thai -Myanmar border issue.

Cabinel officials such as Thailand deputy prime minister and foreign minister Bobby (right) and the Minister of the Interior Anantein (3rd right) went to Meico Town on the border of Thailand and Myanmar to inspect on Tuesday (23rd).Panby shows that in the face of Myanmar, Thailand will focus on humanitarian assistance.(Agence France -Presse)

Su Ding said in an interview in Mesuo Town that Thailand had sent "friendly information" to Myanmar to warn the Burmese military government not infringe on Thailand's territory or lead.

Niko said that the Thai government has the ability to provide assistance to refugees seeking asylum and prepare to mediate peaceful negotiations at any time.