Reuters quoted an anonymous U.S. officials that the United States has initially discussed plans to implement sanctions on some Chinese banks, but has not yet formulated such measures.At the same time, Washington is seeking to curb Beijing to support Russia.

Reuters on Tuesday (April 23) reported that the official said that the United States did not plan to impose sanctions on China's banks in the short term, and stated that Washington hopes to avoid taking such actions through diplomatic means.

The Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter on Monday that the United States is drafting sanctions that may cut off some Chinese banks and the global financial system to prevent China from commercial support for Russian military industry.It is reported that the sanctions are to increase the chip of US Secretary of State Brillin's visit to China.

Bollingken visited China on Wednesday (April 24). One of the issues he prepared to make is to let China reduce its support for the Russian defense industry.U.S. Treasury Secretary Yellen also warned the banks and exporters of China before the end of the visit to China, saying that if it helps to enhance Russia's military capabilities, it will face serious consequences.

At present, U.S. officials hope that some Chinese banks will persuade Beijing officials to change their positions because of their likely to lose channels for the US dollar and the risk of deteriorating trade relations with European trade.

Generally speaking, cutting off banks using US dollars (for most global trade) are usually retained as the final means, because such sanctions often force banks to go bankrupt.In 2012, the US Ministry of Finance's sanctions in Kunlun Bank, located in Karamay, Xinjiang, mainly because it provided an important financial services to at least six Iranian banks.

Reuters pointed out that Washington has not been willing to sanction in China to the use of banks, because this may have a huge chain response to the global economy and Sino -US relations.