U.S. Secretary of State Bringson officially launched a trip to China Wednesday (April 24), but the United States not only did not relax the Chinese sanctions on China, but also gradually heated up.It reveals that the US senior diplomat will face severe challenges.

Brinken will visit Shanghai first, meet with students and business leaders during the period, and then transfer to Beijing, and the visit will be over Friday.U.S. officials only confirmed before the trip that Brinken would spend a lot of time talking with Chinese foreign ministers Wang Yi, and did not disclose whether it was the official Chinese official as last June.

Before the visit to China, US Treasury Secretary Yellen and Assistant Secretary of State Kangda also visited China within one month.

However, these interactions have not slowed down the United States to pressure China.On the contrary, Washington continues to criticize China on issues such as Russia and Ukraine's war, overcapacity, and human rights in Xinjiang.

What topics will the trip will touch the trip?

At the telephone briefing on Friday (19th) at the telephone briefing of the U.S. State Department, it was mentioned that Brinken had three goals, which made progress on key issues;Express concerns; and responsible control of competition to avoid misjudgment or conflict.

The statement of the US State Department spokesman Miller also mentioned the next day that Brinton will discuss with the Chinese side with the Middle East crisis, the Russian and Ukraine War, the Taiwan Strait Relations, and the South China Sea.

What actions did the United States come to China before?

Before the departure of Brinken, Washington just launched the investigation of Article 301 of China's sea transportation, logistics and shipbuilding industry; US President Biden also called for improving tariffs on steel and aluminum on China;Production export.

In the field of human rights, the US State Department announced a report before Bollinger visited China to criticize China to continue to be a minority group such as Uighurs to implement racial extinction, anti -human crimes, forced labor and other human rights acts.

Wall Street Journal's Monday (22nd) also quoted sources of people familiar with the matter, saying that Washington is investigating sanctions and excluding some Chinese banks outside the global financial system, so as to prevent Beijing from commercial support for Russian military production in Russia's military production.Essence

But on the day of Brinkon's departure, anonymous US officials revealed to Reuters that the United States has not yet formulated specific plans to implement such measures.

However, on the same day, the US Senate passed the bill to assist Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, etc., and forced the popular short video platform Tiktok's Chinese parent company to be sold in the U.S. assets within about nine months, otherwise Tiktok will face it inThe fate of the United States was blocked.

China's response before visiting China?

China ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ s North American Oceania Division also lists China ’s five major focus targets for Brinkee's visit to China, including establishing correct cognition, strengthening dialogue, effective management and control, promoting mutual benefit cooperation, and joint responsibilities.It is also clearly mentioned that it will focus on the strict position and make clear requirements on issues such as Taiwan, Economic and Trade Technology, and the South China Sea.

The person in charge of the US Department of Foreign Affairs of China is more described that after the meeting between the heads of state of the two countries last year, Sino -US relations showed a stable trend.At the same time, the negative factors in relations between the two countries are also prominent."The United States is stubbornly promoted to curb the Chinese strategy, and constantly adopts the wrong words and deeds that interfere with the Chinese internal affairs, discredit Chinese image, and harm the interests of China.

On the day Brinken arrived in Shanghai, Xinhua News Agency also released an English comment, asking Washington to recognize that the dialogue must be based on equality and respect, and the action must be consistent.Surprisingly or strong control will not bring constructive dialogue with China.

What are the consensus between the two parties?What issues may be fierce?

Analysis generally believes that Brincken's trip is mainly to improve communication, and it is difficult to make substantial progress in specific issues.However, the U.S. government seems to be successful in the agreement reached by the heads of state of the two countries on the issue of fentanyl.

There are US State Department officials revealed to AFP that since the Summit of November last year, China seems to adopt the first law enforcement measures since 2017; Blingken will require China to participate in the illegal Fenti supply chainChinese chemical companies and manufacturers of pill machines take more regular law enforcement operations.

On the other hand, the Voice of America quoted Timothy Heath, a senior researcher at Rand's international defense issues, and judged that the main purpose of Brinken's trip was to prevent China from expanding military support for Russia.

But he believes that the two sides are in key issues such as Russia, Iran, and Taiwan. The opposition views are deeply ingrained, and Brincken has a major breakthrough in this trip.