The court documents show that the US prosecutor sought Zhao Changpeng, the former CEO of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange, to be sentenced to 36 months.

Reuters on Wednesday (April 24) reported the above news.

The U.S. prosecutor told the Western District Court of Washington that, given that Zhao Changpeng intentionally violated the seriousness of US law and its consequences, it is necessary to sentence it to a 36 -month sentence.

Zhao Changpeng is expected to accept the verdict in Seattle on April 30.

In June last year, the US Securities and Exchange Commission proposed 13 allegations on the Binance, Zhao Changpeng and the U.S. -Ben US Exchange, including suspected exaggeration to exaggerate transaction volume, transfer customers' funds, and failed to limit U.S. customers to use their platforms.And mislead investors in its market supervision and control.

The U.S. government pointed out that Binance violated the Anti -Money Laundering and Sanctions and did not notify more than 100,000 suspicious transactions to the relevant officials.These transactions are related to the organization of the United States as terrorists, including Hamas (Hamas) in Palestine, Islamic State (ISIS) in Iraq, and Al-QAEDA in Syria.Binance has never notified transactions on selling children's sexual abuse sites. It is also one of the largest receiving platforms for extortion software.

Zhao Changpeng acknowledged violations of the US Anti -Money Lake in November last year. He reached a settlement with the US Department of Justice with US $ 4.3 billion (about S $ 5.8 billion), and resigned as the CEO.As part of the confession agreement, Zhao Changpeng personally agreed to pay a fine of 50 million US dollars, and he was also banned from participating in any affairs of Binance.

Zhao Changpeng was born in China and immigrated to Canada at the age of 12.In 2017, he established Binance and served as CEO.In 2021, Zhao Changpeng's value once reached $ 90 billion, surpassing Zhong Yan, the chairman of Nongfu Spring, and became the richest man in the Chinese.