正在中国访问的美国国务卿布林肯星期四(4On the 25th, in the morning, Chen Jining, the secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, said that the United States and China have obligations to deal with differential treatment of the two peoples and the world "responsible place".

Comprehensive Agence France -Presse and Reuters reported that in the meeting, Brincken said that after many years of tensions intensified, President Biden was committed to making a "direct and persistent" dialogue between China and the United States.

Brinton also said, "I think it is important to emphasize the value of direct contact, which is actually necessary." He said that China and the United States talk to each other, propose real differences, and then seek to seek real differences, and then seek to seek again.solve.

Brinton also said, "We are responsible for the people of the two countries, in fact, they are also responsible for the world -responsibly managing the relationship between the two countries."

US Secretary of State Brillin (left), on Thursday morning with the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China with the CPC Shanghai Municipal Party Committee (left), and the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China on Thursday morning with the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee.Secretary Chen Jining (right) met.(Agence France -Presse)

Chen Jining said when he met that he was glad to meet with Brinken. He hoped that Brinkens could have a new understanding of Shanghai this visit.

He also talked about the importance of US companies to Shanghai, and said that Sino -US relations are the most important relationship in the world today. Although the two countries have experienced storms, they have made historic progress in general. "We choose to cooperate or confront, related to the well -being of the people of the two countries, the well -being of the people of the two countries, and the future of human beings.Communicate with the teachers and students of the school.

US Secretary of State Brillin (Left) Talk to Students at New York University in Shanghai on Thursday morning.(Reuters)

According to the official website of Shanghai New York University, the university was established in 2012 and was approved by the Ministry of Education of China. With the strong support of the Shanghai and Pudong New District Government, East China Normal University and New YorkThe first Sino -US -co -produced university founded by the university is one of the three major campuses qualifications in the global system of New York University.

Bollingken arrived in Shanghai on Wednesday (24th) in the afternoon and started the second visit to China during his office.After arriving in Shanghai, Brinken watched two Chinese basketball teams participating in American players, which kicked off the prelude to the interview.

It is reported that he will meet with business leaders and youth representatives in the future. It is expected to transfer to Beijing on Friday (26th) to hold talks with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, and may meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping.