Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde emphasized when meeting with the US think tank delegation that the new government will adhere to the rational and prudent attitude in the future to deal with cross -strait relations and resolutely maintain the current status of peace in the Taiwan Straits.

According to the press release released by the Taiwan Government, Lai Qingde met with the US Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS) visiting group on Tuesday (April 23) in the afternoon of Tuesday (April 23).The cross -party delegation was led by Lisa McClain, Secretary -General of the Republican Party Conference of the Federal House of Representatives.

Lai Qingde said in his speech that CSIS is a very important think tank in the world. The research report deeply affects the US government and also affects the international community.CSIS specially convened international scholars to conduct research and discussions in February this year, expressing support for Taiwan, and also condensed six major consensus. This is very important to Taiwan. It also reminds the international community that Taiwan's security to the world is important to the world.

Lai Qingde said that this year is the 45th anniversary of the legislation of Taiwan Relations Law; in the past 45 years, the United States has provided strong support for Taiwan based on Taiwan Relations Law. This is why Taiwan's economy can develop and democracy can continue.An important reason.

Lai Qingde mentioned that he and Vice President elected Xiao Meiqin will be sworn in on May 20, and emphasize that the new government in the future will also adhere to a rational and prudent attitude, deal with cross -strait relations, and resolutely maintain the Taiwan StraitThe current situation of peace, with peace as the goal, and democracy as a compass, implement the "four pillars of peace" action solutions, so that the Indo -Pacific region can develop stably.

Lai Qingde will be sworn in on May 20, and the outside world is paying attention to the content of Lai Qingde's inauguration.

Rosenberg, chairman of the United States Association (AIT), at the US Foreign Policy Research Institute (FPRI) on Friday (April 19) to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Taiwan Relations Law in an online discussion.Having said that she had met with the presidential election Lai Qingde twice. I believe that the two sides will have a good cooperative relationship and have a very welcome to the current situation of the Taiwan Strait.

She said that although Beijing has continued to set up a prerequisite for dialogue between the Taiwan Strait, the United States will continue to encourage the conversation."We think this is a good thing for the peace and stability of both sides of the strait."