On the eve of the "side -by -side" military exercise in the United States and the Philippines, China will hold the annual meeting of the West Pacific Naval Forum attended by many countries attended by many countries.Hold a maritime military parade.

Scholars of interviewees believe that China is trying to release goodwill and create a consensus at the international community to create a public opinion atmosphere for consensus on marine security issues.

The 19th West Pacific Navy Forum will be held in Qingdao, Shandong from April 21st to 24th.At the media hair dryer held in Qingdao, there were more than 180 foreign representatives from 29 national senior delegations, of which 20 were attended by the main leaders of the Navy (Maritime Defense Department).The Ministry of National Defense has previously disclosed that countries including the United States, Russia, Japan, Britain, France, India, Australia and other countries.

This is the annual meeting of the Western Pacific Navy Forum again after 10 years.Qu Tao said that after more than 30 years of development, the forum has become the naval multilateral cooperation mechanism with the most results, the most energetic, and the most potential.

According to the agenda, the forum annual meeting will hold a high -level seminar to discuss issues such as the disaster response guide and "unmanned system" and other issues such as the rules and disaster response of the seal of the forum constitution.Among them, reviewing the rules of accidents at sea and the establishment of a collision mechanism for preventing unmanned system have attracted much attention.

The rules of accidents at sea were approved at the annual meeting of the 14th West Tai Navy Forum hosted by the Chinese Navy in 2014.With the frequent close contact between China and the United States and other nationally countries, while highlighting the importance of this rule, its lack of efficiency has also been repeatedly mentioned by public opinion.

Since the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, unmanned boats, unmanned submariners and unmanned machines have shined, and the Russian and Black Sea fleets have been repeatedly created.In the Western Pacific region, the appearance and use of unmanned equipment in China and the United States have become more frequent.

Song Zhongping, a military commentator, analyzes the United Morning Post that with the rapid development and application of unmanned equipment and artificial intelligence technology, only the rules involved in unmanned equipment as soon as possible in the existing marine safety application mechanism can it be more effective to be more effectiveAvoid friction and control the crisis.

This year's "side -by -side" military exercise will be held on Monday (April 22). The number of participants will not only reach the highest number of people over the years.The exercise will also be launched for the first time outside the 12 nautical miles of the Philippines, and will simulate the scenes such as "recapture islands occupied by hostile forces".

Naval expert Cao Weidong said in an interview with the media blowing that many breakthroughs in the "side" military exercise of Meifei and the "Difeng" in the United States will have an effective range of more than 1,800 kilometers.The intention of mainland China is very obvious.

The Qinglan Maritime Bureau of Hainan China issued a sailing warning on Saturday, saying that from 6 pm from April 24th to 6 pm on April 27th, some waters in the South China Sea will be conducted for military training and prohibited from entering.April 24th is the closing day of this forum.

At the media blower, the Chinese Navy also announced a series of publicity and education activities for the 75th anniversary of the founding of the Navy, but excluding maritime military parades.At the 60th and 70th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Navy, there were maritime military parades. The 65th anniversary had this plan, and then canceled due to Malaysia Airlines passenger planes.

Song Zhongping believes that the West -Pacific Naval Forum aims to maintain the peace and stability of the region. A series of measures in China are to try their best to release goodwill, with a view to the fact that the navy of various countries can reach consensus as soon as possible on marine security issues.