The majestic music sounds, and a strong voice sings the Chinese patriotic songs to sing the motherland: "The five -star Red Flag welcomes the wind and the singing is loud."Be careful, singing the song in Chinese confidently is an Indonesian brother.

The little brother is Agung Surahman, a private secretary of Plaboor, a President Plaboor.During the visit to China from March 31st to April 2nd this year, Aguon sang a song at the dinner of the two countries, becoming a good story of the two countries.

Agen uploaded the video to social media afterwards.It can be seen from the video that Chinese officials and Plabovo, as well as Chinese and Indonesian politicians with music.After Agung sang, he reported warm applause on the spot.

Indonesian President Plabovo's visit to China, arranged a private secretary Agen (middle) to sing Chinese songs and sing the motherland.(Video screenshot)

According to Agen from the Indonesian Ronalties (Kompas), Plaboavo did not notify him to be prepared beforehand. He was temporarily called to the banquet hall and asked Gao Gao.

Agung said that singing the motherland is one of Plabovo's favorite songs.When he began to play for Plabowo many years ago, he noticed that Plabovo often listened to this song.A few years ago, Plabowavo asked Agung's back to this song.

"Plaboopo wants to convey that Indonesia and China are friends, we love peace, we love our hometown, and we also have the spirit of struggle to become developed countries.The reason for the motherland "

Agung also said that after the Chinese official, he shook hands with him and paid tribute to him, and also raised two thumbs up, praising his singing and pronunciation.

Chinese official (right), Indonesia's election President Prabovo (left) with the music of singing the motherland.(Video screenshot)

Ding Chong, a resident researcher in Indonesia at the Indonesian Research Center of Huazhong Normal University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Plabowavo arranged Agung Gao song, which seemed to be casual, which actually reflected the superb diplomatic art of Indonesia's leaders.

"When a foreign friend sings this song, the Chinese leaders present will feel very close. Plabovo also wants to use this to convey the friendship between China and Indonesia./P>

China and Indonesia have recently interacted. Soon after the visit to China, Japan, and Malaysia, Plabovo, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Indonesia on Thursday (April 18), and was alert to the formation of various" small circles "in this area.

The situation in the South China Sea is becoming increasingly tense. China and the Philippines around the conflict of the Renai Reef, coupled with the recent deepening of the security cooperation between the United States, Japan and the Philippines. Observer generally believes that China and Indonesia's recent warm relationship can give China the opportunity to reduceIn the influence of the United States and Philippine cooperation, China also hopes that Indonesia will work in the internal work of Asia to cool down the situation in the South China Sea.

Liao Jianyu, a senior researcher at the Vesov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said in an interview that Plabovo knew that China needed friendly cooperation in Indonesia, and Indonesia also needed Chinese economic assistance.As a soldier -born Indonesian nationalist, Plabovo may also admire China's achievements in national construction.

"Plabowavo called his private secretary to sing the motherland at the dinner, which aroused the attention and appreciation of Chinese officials and Chinese leaders, leaving a deep impression on the owner. Even Chinese officials also appreciated it.Successful diplomacy " Aya contributed to singing the motherland, and talked about the media that this is the favorite song of Plabowo. Some people are interpreted as their feelings for the Chinese and Chinese nation, or they regard Plabowo as Indonesia with a Chinese complex in Indonesia.Leader, Liao Jianyu believes that such an interpretation is too much.

"Before that, no one heard that Plabovo loved Chinese songs, and he never talked about this."

However, this is not the first time that Plaboor has interspersed with Chinese songs under the magnesium lamp.In 2018, one year before he was running for the last presidential election, he and his ex -wife Titty attended a Chinese community event. Titty sang the moon at the meeting to represent my heart, and Prabowa was also on the stage.This situation is still mentioned from time to time in the Indonesian Chinese society.