(Bangkok Comprehensive News) The Thai Prime Minister consultant's collection predicts that Daxin sister, who is exiled overseas, may return to Thailand in the same way in the same way.

The Bangkok Post reported that the way of returning to China was in line with legal procedures, and the process was not complicated, and the government did not treat Daxin at dual standards.Yingla can take the same way, the question is when Yingla will return to China.

When asked if Ying Lat planned to return to Thailand, he collected and said he didn't know."We haven't contacted it for a long time."

The 57 -year -old Yingla served as the Prime Minister of Thailand from 2011 to 2014. He was charged with malfeasance because of his implementation of billions of dollars in rice subsidy plans during his administration. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2017.Yingla announced the decision to escape overseas before the court.

75 -year -old Daxin ended in August last year and returned to Thailand.He was sentenced to eight years in prison, but he was amnesty in the Thai King, and his sentence was reduced to one year.

As the Supreme Court of Thailand has revoked some of the lawsuits and arrest orders in Yingla in the past few months, the situation has become increasingly beneficial to Yingla's return to China.Daxin said earlier that he believed that Yingla's life was very lonely, and hoped that she could return to China this year.

However, Yingla still has the sentence sentenced in 2017, so the Minister of Justice, he said on Thursday (18th) that if Yingla returns to China, he will be sent to prison as soon as he arrives in Thailand.Treat her.

He also denies that there is a "model" similar to Daxin's return to China to give Yingla for reference.

Political Analysts and Professor of Law, His Nangbang told the National News that there are two solutions that help Yingla returns to China.

The first plan is to pardon any crimes committed by Yingla during his tenure through the pardon bill of ruling led by the Thai party.However, he believes that this approach is unlikely, because Yingla's case is related to corruption and has nothing to do with politics, which is different from the situation where Daxin was overturned in the military coup.

Hisbang said: "Through the amnesty bill is only beneficial to Yingla, and people who exile overseas for other political reasons have nothing to do with previous political prisoners, which may be regarded as a bias to her."

The second plan is to modify the rules of politicians by the Ministry of Justice, so that Yingla can apply to King Thailand after arriving in Thailand.Hisbang said: "Modifying regulations does not require Congress approval, so it is easier to do."

His Nangbang added that only prisoners over 60 years of age can apply for the remaining sentence at home. Modifying the rules of politicians by the Ministry of Justice can bypass this prison regulation.

The chairman of the Political Crime Research Committee of the Thai government, Nigong, told the Bangkok Mail that the committee is preparing to conduct a study to proposes to Congress to discuss the impact of 25 political prisoners in 2005.

Regarding whether Ying Lat can get a pardon, Nigong said that the committee did not study her case.