U.S. trade representative Dai Qi said that she is expected to "soon" will conclude that the Tablet government has been studyingHow to make relevant measures more strategic and effective.

Dai Qi revealed the above news in an interview with Bloomberg TV on Friday (April 19).She said that US President Biden continued the tariff policy adopted by the Trump administration during the "strategic purpose" and regarded this as an effective bargaining chip with Beijing.

Daiqi said that the overcapacity of China's steel and aluminum industries not only threatened the United States, but also threatened to countries around the world, so it is necessary to respond strongly.

She said that the US government is seeking "standing forward and resisting this type of vulnerability that can be used to apply political pressure to the economy."

Bayeng on Wednesday (April 17) at the headquarters of the US Iron and Steel Workers Federation of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, pointed out that he has asked the US Trade Representative Office to considerThe competitive behavior has greatly increased the existing tariff rate of Chinese steel to 25 %.

Bayeng's remarks are deemed to be aimed at the support of the key swing states, so that he won in the presidential election at the end of this year.

The U.S. government has repeatedly accused the Chinese government's subsidies for domestic industry's subsidies that lowered production costs, thereby impacting the global market.Biden said that due to a large number of government subsidies, Chinese steel companies do not need to worry about profitability."They are not competing, but cheating. We have seen this damage caused by the United States."

The US Trade Representative also announced on Wednesday that it is closely evaluating the five major American unions including the US Iron and Steel Workers' Federation.A request made to conduct a new investigation of new 301 clauses in China's suspected unfair behaviors, policies and practices in the field of shipping logistics and shipbuilding.