The China International Development Cooperation Agency refutes that the United States refers to China's development aid to manufacture debt traps. It does not name the financial institutions and credit talents dominated by the United States and Western countries is the main creditor of developing countries.

A spokesperson for China International Development Cooperation Agency Li Ming on Thursday (April 18) in the official WeChat public account in response to reporters in response to the form of reporters, in response to the US officials' development of China's development assistance to manufacture debt trapThe "Ping An City" project ignores human rights and encourages corruption.

Li Ming said that the United States has no basis.China has always attached great importance to the issue of sovereignty debt in developing countries, and has always been based on the principle of equal negotiation and win -win cooperation to help alleviate the debt burden of developing countries and promote sustainable development.

Li Ming emphasized that no country was in a debt crisis due to cooperation with China, and no partner thought that China created a "debt trap".

Li Ming introduced that Chinese preferential loans insist on being proposed and agreed by the reinforcement countries, and adhered to the development orientation. Relevant projects have produced good and long -term economic benefits, becoming an important momentum of economic growth for partnerships.The World Bank Research Report pointed out that the comprehensive implementation of initiatives such as the “Belt and Road” will increase the trade exchanges between participants by 4.1%and global revenue by 0.7%to 2.9%.By 2030, a return of 1.6 trillion US dollars (about S $ 2.18 trillion) will be created every year.

Li Ming pointed out that some Western countries led by some Western countries that spread China's "debt trap" theory are the main debt party and sources of debt repayment in developing countries.Make a substantial contribution to alleviating debt burden.

Li Ming said that China has been committed to improving the transparency of foreign aid work, established a foreign aid supervision and evaluation system with Chinese characteristics, and running supervision, evaluation, anti -corruption, anticorrosive, etc.The supervision and management is covered, and the integrity construction follows up.

Li Ming said that the "Ping An City" project helps developing countries to build a modern security system, provide safe and reliable service guarantees, enhance the security of people and foreign tourists, and is generally praised by relevant national governments and people.On the other hand, the United States is keen to engage in large -scale, differential monitoring monitoring and data theft, not only monitoring and controlling domestic public opinion, but also using digital hegemony to interfere with other domestic politics, infringe on citizens' privacy of citizens, including foreign leaders.Related facts and public reports abound.

Li Ming said that China does not add political conditions to foreign aid, does not impose people, and does not open "short checks".It is hoped that the United States will abandon the logic of the Cold War thinking and hegemony, return to the original intention of foreign aid as soon as possible, and focus on global development needs.