Ding Xuexiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Vice Premier of the State Council of the State Council on Monday (April 15), met with the director of the US Patent and Trademark Office in Beijing, and emphasized that China is willing to cooperate with the United States to expand the intellectual property field.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Ding Xuexiang told Kathi Vidal that China has always attached great importance to the protection of intellectual property rights. China is willing to cooperate with the United States to expand the field of intellectual property in the field of intellectual property rights.The business environment of fairness and non -discrimination has made greater contributions to promoting the stable development of relations between the two countries.

China and the United States began to restore high -level exchanges in mid -year. US Secretary of State Broskere, Treasury Secretary Yellen, Climate Special Envoy Kerry, and Commercial Minister Raymond Doro official officials visited China.