According to the Singapore United Zaobao website reported on March 30, China went to the Pakistan cross -departmental work group to go to eastern Hospital of Pakistan on March 29.Famous compatriots.

Earlier, the Associated Press reported on March 29 that Pakistan officials said that a group of Chinese investigators had arrived in Pakistan and joined a survey of a suicide attack that occurred earlier this week.The attack caused five Chinese citizens to be killed.At the same time, Pakistan continued to investigate the attack.

It is reported that according to a official statement, the Pakistani Internal Affairs Minister briefly introduced the investigation of Pakistan to the attack on the attack on the 29th.Previously, Pakistan officials informed the Chinese side to the preliminary investigation results of the attack.So far, no organization claims to be responsible for the attack.

According to the Hong Kong Point News website reported on March 30, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian asked at a regular press conference on the 29th that after the Dharma terrorist attack on the 26th, the Chinese side sent cross -departmental departments for the first time.The working group went to Pakistan to work.

Lin Jian said that after the working group arrived in Pakistan on the 28th, he immediately carried out the emergency response work in Pakistan Embassy and related enterprises.

"The leader of the working group, the Director of the Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign -related Safety Affairs, met with officials such as Pakistan's Foreign Secretary, Foreign Minister, Minister of the Interior, etc., requiring Pakistan to investigate the incident as soon as possible, properly handle good aftermath, and effectively strengthen security measures., Thoroughly eliminate hidden dangers of safety risks, and make every effort to ensure the absolute safety of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in Pakistan. "He said.

Lin Jian introduced that Pakistan said that it has fully carried out the investigation and subsequent disposal of the incident, and took all measures to further strengthen the safety protection of Chinese personnel, projects and institutions.The working group will further carry out related work during Pakistan.(Compilation/Mei Mei)