According to the Russian news report reported on March 27, Tokyo and Washington are planning to update the security treaty signed more than 60 years ago.The Japanese Prime Minister Kishida is expected to announce the news while visiting the United States on April 10.The two parties attributed this to "the increasing threat from China."

The United States and Japan intend to update the new security treaty signed in 1960.The document replaced the old security treaty in 1951, which effectively ensured that the United States' right to deploy military bases and troops on Japanese territories.

The Treaty of 1960 includes the terms of the mutual defense obligations of the two countries, and the requirements of the Japanese authorities in advance when the United States deployed the army.Today, the United States and Japan have decided to review and improve these agreements.

Reporting reporters quoted by the British Financial Times said that the United States and Japan are seeking to strengthen security relations.This is to fight the influence from Beijing and the "increasing threat".U.S. President Bayidon and Japanese Prime Minister Kishida will announce the plan to reorganize the US Army Command in Japan, "to strengthen the coordination of combat planning and exercises between the two countries."

According to the Financial Times report, the updates that may appear include the appointment of higher -level U.S. military officers to direct the US military in Japan and promote the modernization of US military equipment in Japan.It is also possible to set up a new US joint team as part of the US Pacific Fleet.It is expected that his commander will get more power and stay in Japan for a longer time.Another plan is to expand the current power of the U.S. Command in Japan, and Tokyo has been asking for this for a long time.

In this regard, the report quoted the Walter club expert Dmitry Slopov that the United States recently changed the regional structure of the league.

He said: "It used to be a structure similar to 'hub and spokes', and each allies are closely linked to Washington, but the relationship between each other is weak. Now, the United States is trying to strengthen the horizontal connection. This includes threats to threatening.There are obligations to negotiate and negotiate with each other on security issues. "

The report also quoted Vasili Kashen, the director of the European and International Comprehensive Research Center of the School of Economics of Russia, pointed out that not only the United States, but Japan itself is also concerned about China's growing influence.Both sides believe that it is necessary to develop a military alliance.The expert believes that Americans are urging Japan to bear wider responsibility for regional security, far exceeding the scope of protecting Japanese territory and its surrounding waters.

He added: "At the same time, with the participation of Japan, the United States is establishing various mechanisms and dialogue platforms with Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines. Japan plays the role of guidance in the establishment of the US alliance system because Tokyo and the region countriesThe relationship is better, and the degree of mutual trust is higher. "

Kashen emphasized that of course, not all Southeast Asian countries are willing to cooperate too closely with Americans.(Compiled/Zhu Lifeng)