According to Agence France -Presse reports on March 27, while French President Macron visited Brazil, Brazilian netizens joked those pictures that show the close relationship between President Lula and Macron.

According to reports, in the three -day visit to Brazil, Macron went to the city of Belle, north of Brazil on the 26th to meet with Brazilian President Lula in the Amazon Forest.The smile and enthusiastic limb movements of the two show the intimate relationship between the two sides.

The photos published by Lula on the official account of the social media website have been circulated on the Internet. Some have undergone the second creation of netizens and have humorous comments.

For example, in one of the photos, two presidents raised their arms under a big tree.In the synthetic map of netizens, they are holding a heart -shaped red balloon.In another photo, they smiled and pulled their hands, looking at the distance on a boat in the Amazon River.

A netizen joked on the X website and said: They are married on Amazon and go to Paris for honeymoon.Many netizens commented that they can use these photos to make a wedding album.

It is reported that this is the first formal visit to Brazil.The visit will continue on the 27th in St. Paul, and will end in Brazil on the 28th.In Brazil, he will talk to Lula in the Presidential Palace.

The report pointed out that the close relationship between the two leaders and the cold relationship between Macron and former Brazilian President Posonaro were in sharp contrast.During the Amazon Forest fire in 2019, Bosonaro and some Cabinet Ministers in Brazil had made some improper remarks on Macron and his wife.(Compiled/Lu Long Army)