After the Sino -US Science and Technology War reached a new stage in the second half of last year, the United States continued to increase its interception against China, and at the same time accelerated the blockade operation to the low -end lithography machine.Under the overturning of the Biden government, , prevented the Dutch optical machine giant, ASML (ASML), exported the old deep ultraviolet light carved machine (DUV) to China.Essence

This move not only impacted Asmu's business reputation, but also caused strong dissatisfaction in Beijing, injecting more uncertainty into the relations between the two countries.At the same time, under the dual pressure of the United States and defending its economic interests, Lutt, who has been the Prime Minister of the Netherlands for more than 13 years, has been in Beijing on Tuesday (March 26) for two days of work visits. This is the first visit to China since the three-year crown disease of the Dutch Prime Minister ,It aims to open up intermediate routes in the Sino -US scientific and technological war and stabilize the increasingly tense relationship with China.

After the Sino -US Science and Technology War started in 2019, the bilateral relations between China and the Netherlands have continued to be subtle for several years.Under the continuous pressure of the Trump administration, the Dutch government has never allowed Asto to sell the most advanced, worth 160 million euros (about S $ 233.36 million) at the Chinese chip manufacturer to sell to Chinese chip manufacturers.To.

The Bayeng government unilaterally upgraded its scientific and technological war against China in October 2022, comprehensively tightening the advanced chip manufacturing equipment exported to China, hoping to slow down the pace of China's military and artificial intelligence development.

At the beginning of last year, the United States also made an alliance with the two major chip manufacturing equipment in Japan and the Netherlands at the beginning of last year, seeking to restrict China to obtain advanced semiconductor manufacturing equipment, and jointly weaken the ambition to build chip production capacity in China.In June last year, the Dutch government expanded the ban to DUV, stipulating that exporting DUV devices from September must also apply for export licenses.

China Communications Giant Huawei last August During the Hua period , a new smartphone was suddenly sold, equipped with a 7 -nanometer chip allegedly manufactured by China SMIC, which triggered a vibration of American politics.

This breakthrough not only indicates that the US technology blockade in China has failed, it is too late to further slow down the pace of Beijing's domestic chip to make breakthroughs, and the scientific and technological war 2.0 corner also sounds.

Two months later, SMIC was accused of using Acemai equipment to produce 7 nanometer chips for Huawei, prompting the Bayeon administration to step up pressure on the Netherlands at the end of last year to make up for the major breakthroughs in China technology.

The Dutch New Year's Day cancels two export permits to China DUV. Although it only affects Acemai's a few customers in China, it will still impact China ’s ability to produce advanced, mid -range and old chips through DUV in the short term.At the time of the continuous shortage of chips, although DUV is still behind -generation than advanced technology, it is still the most commonly used equipment for manufacturing cars, mobile phones, computers, and even robot chips.

When the official Chinese official Wednesday (27th) met with Lutter in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, it emphasized that the "off -hook and broken chain" did not go out, and open cooperation is the only choice; artificial manufacturing technology barriers and splitting the industrial chain supply chain will only lead to divisionAnd opposite.

Chinese officials also said that no forces can prevent the pace of Chinese scientific and technological development and progress, and release the western continuous increase in the surrounding of scientific and technological technology in the West will be a futile signal.

Lutter's meeting revealed to the media that he told the official Dutch export restrictions of China's official Netherlands that were not specifically targeted at China, and emphasized that the relationship between the Netherlands and China is very important and obviously appeases Beijing.

The Netherlands is China's second largest trading partner in the European Union and has close bilateral economic and trade relations.However, due to the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, Chinahe has continued to intensify in the field of trade and technology in recent years, which led to disagreement between the two countries.

The Netherlands announced the official closure of Chongqing Consulate in Chongqing in early March, ,, Chongqing Consulate General Museum The reason is reported that business activities in the Sichuan -Chongqing area may be limited.However, according to the Lianhe Morning Post, the news of the Dutch closed museum suddenly did not warn beforehand. It is believed that it has been related to the recent continued tension between Chinese and Western relations.

Despite the bumps of Sino -Dutch relations, China's official Wednesday still affirms that the Netherlands is the "portal" of China -Europe cooperation, and expressed his willingness to maintain communication with the Netherlands and adhere to communication dialogue.Beijing is also willing to expand its imports of high -quality Dutch products and welcome Dutch companies to invest in China.

The United States has continued to pressure the Netherlands this year to tighten the restrictions to prevent Asmai from providing services and maintenance for sensitive chip manufacturing equipment purchased by Chinese customers.If the after -sales service is not available, China's lithography equipment will not be able to operate once a problem occurs.This will be a devastating blow to Chinese customers such as SMIC.

The United States has also urged Germany, Japan and South Korea to further tighten the restrictions on China's semiconductor technology to prevent China from obtaining the Dutch light carvings and equipment maintenance services, Japan's photochemical glue and other key chemicals, Germany in Germany, GermanyOptical components, etc.The United States also hopes to expand the chip alliance that is enclosed in China, and also pulls Germany and South Korea into the five countries.

Berlin considers whether to restrict the export of chip chemicals to China last year, but the German Chancellor of Germany, which is scheduled to visit China in April, did not make a statement.

Faced with the continuous conservation of China technology and the increasingly attractiveness of foreign investment in the Chinese market, the chips that affect the influence of Western scientific and technological powers are declining sharply. At presentAnd release more goodwill, in order to better control the risk of the Sino -US scientific and technological war with these countries.