According to Reuters reported on March 26, the valuation of the former US President Trump's media company is nearly $ 10 billion.

Trump Media Science and Technology Group on the first day of Nasdaq's stock price increased by 45%on the first day of listing.More than two years ago, the group announced that it would merge with a blank check company.

Based on $ 72.63 per share, the company's non -diluted market value was $ 9.84 billion.Shortly after the opening, stock trading with "DJT" stopped shortly due to fluctuations.

Trump's last valuation in the group's major equity in the group was US $ 5.72 billion, although the 6 -month lock -up restrictions may prevent him from selling shares or using the shares as a mortgage loan.

Trump Media Technology Group, which has a social media platform "Real Social" website, officially merged with the Digital World Acquisition Company of the Blank Book Company on the 25th.

Now the stock price of the Digital World Company of the Trump Media Technology Group has soared by more than 35%on the same day.

Thomas Haz, chairman of Dashan Capital Company, said: "This valuation may more reflect the enthusiasm of supporters for Trump, not a reasonable estimate of potential business prospects."

Trump faces four criminal trials during the presidential period of the United States, and he has been working hard to raise funds for campaign and legal expenses.

This transaction will injected $ 300 million in the "real social" website. The company's operations of the company lost $ 10.6 million in operation before 2023.

The company also provided Trump's supporters with a way to bet on Trump as a solid way for politicians. The stock price of empty shell companies to acquire the company's stock price has risen nearly twice this year.

Digital World Corporation said in a document last month that Trump may abandon the shares on the "real social" website according to his campaign of president and stop participating in its management.(Compiled/Lu Yan)