China ’s social platform Xiaohongshu has been scratching a“ persuasion ”trend a few years ago, but from this year, foreigners participating in it suddenly increased.They hold white paper with "listening to persuasion" or "Help Me Please", and attach their faces, whole body, and side photos to seek "explosive reform" suggestions of Chinese netizens.

The Wall Street Journal reported that young American people are tired of false praise and blatant humiliation on Western social media such as Instagram, hoping to get honest and friendly feedback.Netizens, "listen to persuasion".

Reported that young American people in their 20s joined the Xiaohongshu in order to keep up with the latest beauty and fashion trends, and they will get specific suggestions, such as pictures for hairdresser reference, stars or YouTuber who are recommended to imitate, someEven directly help the consultant to draw the map to simulate the effect after changing the shape.

A respondent said that some people in the United States discussed the community platform Reddit for her to perform plastic surgery, and in Xiaohongshu, she received suggestions that she would not wear black clothes and leave bangs.Another black user said that on other platforms, someone asked her to bleach her skin.But in Xiaohongshu, the suggestions she received was: makeup, shape and exercise.

"Listening" culture impress American netizens?

This wave of "listening to persuasion" has made Xiaohongshu a lot of American users. Currently under the entry of "Listening" in Xiaohongshu, there is a special foreigner plate.Some users who are actively interacting with Chinese netizens will even post for many consecutive days to compare photos of "listening to persuasion" and "listening to persuasion".

The trend of persuasion on the China Internet stems from November last year, a blogger who immigrated to the United States and a blogger with about 2 million fans CANDISE Lin", From the story of ordinary becoming glorious, and encouraged foreign netizens to download Xiaohongshu, seeking advice from Chinese netizens.

Lin Yan said that everyone pursues political correctness in Western media, and sometimes over -praise.Therefore, those who really want to discuss questions will choose Xiaohongshu.

From a cultural point of view, the community culture shaped by Xiaohongshu has made up for the gap in the ecology of the Western social media, and brought a customer who may be unintentional overseas. From the perspective of business, oneBlogers can bring a number of new users, reflecting the powerful drainage effect of Tiktok.

blogger Candise Lin describes the "listening persuasion" topic on his Tiktok account, and calls on netizens to join Xiaohongshu.(Internet)

Tiktok's drainage magic?

Tiktok has 1 billion users worldwide, and the United States accounts for the largest proportion.Knowing how to operate in Tiktok is an indispensable key to open the US market.But Xiaohongshu is far from the Chinese company that knows how to use Tiktok to help himself.The rise of the subsidiary "Reelshort" of Chinese digital publishing companies in Chinese online is the most popular short drama application in the United States, and one of its main drainage methods is Tiktok.

Users can see the first few episodes provided by Reelshort on Tiktok. The story accumulates enough suspense. It is cut off at the key plot. You need to pay or look at the advertisement to see what happened later.

However, from the perspective of the Chinese technology and financial industry, this is just a "ordinary routine."Chinese online has participated in very rolled short dramas on Douyin in 2020. Now it has come to the less competitive TIKTOK.

TIKTOK is a short video platform launched by byte beating after Douyin. Douyin began to start earlier, and practitioners were even more rolled, but on the underlying algorithm, especially what kind of videos can get more recommended logic logical logicOn the top, Douyin and Tiktok have great similarities.This also makes Chinese Internet companies know more about Tiktok and more proficient in operations.

The short drama company is still the same. Those applications of the same door as Tiktok have used TIKTOK's traffic dividend to become the leader in the segmented field.As of Wednesday (March 27), a mathematical education app called GAUTHMATH in the bytes ranked second in American education applications, second only to the well -known learning software Duolingo (multi -neighboring country).

Since March of this year, the download has exceeded Tiktok's editing software CAPCUT, which is an overseas version of the "sheltering" of the video editing tool of byte beating.Another social software LEMON8, similar to Xiahongshu, has also risen rapidly this year.

Made in China Made in List Application Store?

The situation of

China APP "dominating list" has appeared since last year.Data from the Internet data information platform SenseTower shows that in the comprehensive application download rankings, in addition to the Tiktok and CAPCUT of the byte system, e -commerce software TEMU and SHEIN, also in the top 10 for a long time.

The game company is the pioneer in the United States.According to the data of December last year, 8 of the top 10 of the US iOS game best -selling list strategy list are games developed by Chinese or Chinese company holding companies.

The popular game "original god" developed by Chinese game company Mihayou, the media estimated that the game has attracted more than $ 420 million (S $ 567 million) in the US market a year.(Internet)

The netizen of Social Media X said: "Once on the supermarket shelves, it was made of Chinese products. Now the APP shelves are also made in China, but there is no obvious label of 'Made in China' (Made in China)."

A Wall Street Journal article pointed out that an important advantage of a Chinese enterprise has been ignored. In the past 10 years, China Mobile's Internet has developed rapidly, overseas applications have been blocked, and internal competition is extremely fierce.The cruel competition experience of users in 1.3 billion people in the population has given Chinese companies an advantage over Western opponents.

Is it a good time to go to the United States?

The experience of surviving in the inner volume gives Chinese companies to the US market.In terms of content, the "listening persuasion" culture similar to the small red book has also begun to be accepted and liked by some American users.The US market itself is also experiencing economic recovery.

It seems that it is currently a good time for Chinese companies to go to the United States.However, in the context of geopolitics and competition between China and the United States, it is not the same as the application of Chinese companies in the application store, and the products made in Chinese -made in supermarket shelves.

Take Tiktok as an example, the United States publicly discussionIn this month, the courtyard passed the bill this month to pass the bill to sell its business in the United States, otherwise it will face the fate of being banned.

In addition, according to the administrative order signed by the US President Bayeng at the end of the month, it is forbidden to sell the user data of the specific categories of Americans to the "Following State", including China, including China.

Bloomberg pointed out that these new restrictions may change the way US officials deal with Chinese companies, from social networking sites Tiktok to biotechnology companies, etc. will be affected.It is also analyzed that Washington is trying to catch up with the Chinese government through this administrative order.

Examination is not only from the United States.Although SHEIN has not been established in China, it has not been in China, and the headquarters has also moved to Singapore.But when SHEIN, who was preparing to go public in November last year, sought clarification from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, still stated that it was necessary to review it.

China and the United States are constantly seeking equal safety measures, and the impact of geopolitics will not disappear in a short period of time.Nevertheless, the fundamental driving force of business is still to strive for greater benefits, not to avoid risks.This is why, although the two governments continue to compete, companies are still challenging the US market.