Liu Jianchao, Minister of the Central Committee of the CPC Central Committee, who is visiting Singapore, does not name it to criticize the United States to make decoupling in the name of security and build a "small courtyard wall".Otherwise, it will be more difficult to achieve prosperity.


Parallel system is reflected in the parallel market of "decoupling" operation in the international economic sense, and in the international and political sense, it is the regional order dominated by different major powers.

Liu Jianchao's "Hui Eye China Dialogue" co -sponsored by the Lianhe Morning Post on Wednesday (27th), in English, published a speech entitled "Challenge and Vision: the Future of Asia in the Great Change".The tone of the speech is not named, criticizing the United States to ignite the wind in this region, and call on regional countries to cooperate with China in terms of economy, trade, technology and other aspects to maintain regional stability and prosperity.

Liu Jianchao said that the region needs to be interconnected rather than decapable. Whether it was the four Asian dragons in the 1980s, the four little tiger miracles in the 1990s, or the rapid growth of China and the prosperity of the Asianianan, the secret lies in supporting economic globalization and globalization andRegional integration, but this trend is suffering from reverse wind.

He criticized "some countries" to decompose in the name of security, disrupt the supply chain and build a "small courtyard wall".The industrial chain and supply chain may be disrupted. In the current situation of economic and social development difficulties, it is more difficult to achieve prosperity in Asia.

Liu Jianchao also criticized "certain countries" to strengthen technology blockade, saying that this will hinder scientific and technological progress and damage industrial development.He emphasized that technological progress should benefit all human beings, rather than being used to curb or weaken other countries.

During the Q & A session, some media asked Sino-US relations in American election year yearWhat changes will happen when Trump may return to the White House ?

Liu Jianchao said that Sino -US relations are still in a "difficult period". The most important thing is to improve the US cognition of the United States through dialogue./Story20240312-314141999 "rel = nofollow target = _blank> But the root cause is that the United States has not abandoned policies for curbing to China ."Pressure" situation.

As for the impact of Trump's return to the White House on Sino -US relations, Liu Jianchao said that who works in the White House by the American people, and China's task is to deal with people who enter the White House to strengthen dialogue to control bilateral relations.

Liu Jianchao also clearly warned in his speech that the world is turbulent. Asia is currently at a critical moment in development and rejuvenation, it is necessary to ensure that the geopolitical conflict between the region does not cause turbulence and crisis to confront the camp.

He refers to , but with the years of Chinese and Asia's Da'an, the situation in the South China Sea is generally stable.He said that China and Asians have signed a declaration of behavior of all parties in the South China Sea and are formulating the code of conduct of all parties in the South China Sea.

Liu Jianchao also called on Yajia'an and China to maintain a soberness and vigilance together, "holding the initiative to maintain the peaceful and stable region in his own hands."

China and the Philippines have frequently conflicted in the South China Sea The two countries confront each other at the sea and express their diplomatic protests, while the United States publicly supports the Philippines.According to the outside world, if the dispute over the sovereignty dispute between the South China Sea is further upgraded, it is likely to impact the security and stability of the region.

When talking about the South China Sea, Liu Jianchao said that China praised Singapore's anti -Cold War thinking and proposed a proper position to properly handle the competition and regional disputes.He said that looking forward to the future, China is willing to continue to work with Singapore and countries in the region to defend the peace and stability of Asia, because this is the basis for growth and prosperity.

Liu Jianchao: China attaches great importance to cooperation with Singapore and its demonstration role

This is the second time Liu Jianchao visited Singapore after he served as Minister of the Central Committee in 2022.

He also said in his speech that China attaches great importance to cooperation with Singapore in the fields of digital, green development, artificial intelligence and other fields, as well as this demonstration role in this region.

He also said when he talked with Li Huiling, the president of the Chinese Media Group of the Newspaper Media, also said that both China and Singapore are working hard to find ways from the central level to the local level.At one point, the two countries can continue to find the road of common development and common growth.

About 400 people in the political and business community attended the "Huiyan China Dialogue" event.