(Manila Composite Electric) Philippines and China confront each other in the South China Sea last weekend and express their diplomatic protests.

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the temporary office of the Chinese Embassy on Monday (March 25) to protest the "attack operation" of China in the South China Sea.Minister of Defense of the Philippines also challenged the Chinese government and submitted the sovereignty of the South China Sea to international arbitration.

The Philippines accused the Chinese maritime police and maritime militia harassing and obstructing the Philippine's routine rotation and supplies in the Ayunjin Reef (China -called Renai Reef), and using water cannons and taking dangerous actions, resulting in the Philippine Fang, which caused the PhilippinesPersonal injuries and supply vessels were damaged.

In addition to calling representatives of the Chinese embassy, ​​the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines also instructed the Embassy in China to pass the same diplomatic photos in Beijing.

The Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that the Philippine party emphasized that China has "no right to appear in Ayunjin Reef" in the diplomatic photo club and asked Chinese ships to "immediately leave Ayunjin Reef and the Philippines exclusive economic zone."

Statement stated that "China continues to interfere with the legal activities of the Philippines in the exclusive economic zone."Manila asked Beijing to abide by international law, including the 1982 UN Marine Law Convention and the 2016 international arbitral tribunal, that is, China has no legal basis for the sovereignty of the South China Sea.

Chen Xiaodong refers to the intention of the Philippines to achieve long -term illegal occupation

On the same day, Chen Xiaodong, deputy minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, and the Philippine Deputy Foreign Minister Razaro talked to the phone to negotiate with the Philippine Renai Reef "Siter" warships.

Chen Xiaodong refers to the illegal sitting warship of the Filipino. The Filipino intends to build permanent military posts by transporting materials to the warships to achieve long -term illegal occupation.

He also expressed China's position on the Philippines to promote the "Marine Regional Act" and on the infringement of Huangyan Island (the Philippines (the Philippines referred to the Skobel Shak Beach) and the iron line reef provocation.He said that Manila tried to quote the results of the 2016 South China Sea Arbitration Case, and incorporated most of the islands and reefs of the Huangyan Island and the Nansha Islands into the Philippine Ocean area through legislation, which seriously violated the territorial sovereignty and marine rights of China in the South China Sea.The intensification and expansion of the maritime dispute between the two countries endanger the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

When facing media inquiries on Monday on Monday, the Philippine Defense General challenged the Chinese government to submit the sovereignty of the South China Sea to international arbitration.He said: "If they really have this willingness, they are really not afraid to show their demands to the world. Why not arbitration based on international law, let everyone know the rights of all parties?

In 2013, former Philippine President Aquino, who was "pro -American,", entered the International Arbitration of the Hague, Netherlands, challenged China ’s proposition to the rights and interests of the South China Sea.In 2016, the International Arbitration Tribunal made a ruling conducive to the Philippines.China has always emphasized that it has never agreed to the arbitration case, determining that this ruling is illegal and invalid, without any binding power.

Duterte reversed the diplomatic route after taking over the president in 2016. His "pro -China Shumei" policy made China -Philippine relations relatively peaceful.After the current President President Macos came to power in 2022, Manila returned to the "pro -Mei Shuzhong" route, and the South China Sea was resurrected.