The Republican Republican member Mullenell will replace Tongdang Gragel as chairman of the House of Representatives in the House of Representatives.Mullerar is currently a member of the committee.

According to Reuters, Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, announced on Monday (March 25) in a statement that he appointed John Moolenaar as the chairman of the above committee.

The Special Committee of the Strategic Competition of the United States and China was established after the Republican Party controlled the House of Representatives last year and was the chairman of Mike Gallagher.Garrat announced last week that he would resign as a member on April 19.

The Special Committee of the United States and China has no legislative power, but has attracted much attention from the outside world under the leadership of Gragel.Parisors make suggestions on how to deal with China's threat to the US economy and national security through the Special Committee.

The staff of several special committees from the Republican and DemocratPositive signals.

A assistant said that Mullesal's thoughts were very consistent with the vision of the Special Committee with Gragel, and added that Mullenell paid special attention to the economic competition with China andResist in American manufacturing.

Mullerner's constituency is located in Michigan, while Michigan is the place where the major American automobile manufacturers are.These manufacturers have warned Washington earlier that domestic manufacturing may be hit by a major blow to potential cheap Chinese electric vehicles.Mullerar has urged the US government to raise 27.5%tariffs on Chinese vehicles.

According to VOA, in China, Mullerner has repeatedly argued that it has adopted a tough policy.One of his most concerned issues is the plan to build a battery material factory in Mercedagen, Michigan, Michigan, and often criticized Guoxuan's battery investment project in Michigan.Essence

Mullerar visited Taiwan with Gragel and several members in February this year.The delegation met with Zheng and Deputy Cai Yingwen and Lai Qingde at the time.