Less than a week ago, Russian President Putin won the fifth term with the highest votes in history, and he firmly managed power.

After a few days, a sharp and sharp contrast appeared: security institutions failed to prevent Russia from the most fatal terrorist attack in Russia in the past 20 years.

A concert hall on the suburbs of Moscow suffered a terrorist attack on Friday, which has killed at least 133 people. This is a blow to Putin's leadership image. He has always regarded national security as the primary task.This was especially true for two years after the war that invaded Ukraine. Putin said that the war was essential for Russia's survival and used it as the primary task after the Russian presidential election.

"The presidential election shows a seemingly confident victory," Russia's political scholar Alexander Curiev said in a telephone interview with Moscow."Suddenly, in the context of confident victory, a public humiliation came."

This attack seems to be caught off guard.He delivered a speech on this attack nationwide more than 19 hours after more than 19 hours. This was the most deadly attack on the country's death in the hostage incident of 334 people who died in southern Russia in 2004.In his speech, the Russian leader had not mentioned more and more evidence that the attack was made by a branch of Islamic State.

Putin implies that Ukraine is behind the scenes of the tragedy. He said that the attacker's performance was "like a Nazis".Ukraine describes the false words managed by the new Nazi molecules.

"Our common responsibilities -our comrades in the front line and the duties of all citizens across the country -now are unity and consistent," Putin said at the end of that five -minute speech

Putin seems to ignore the warning of the United States on a terrorist attack, which may deepen people's doubts.Instead of taking actions and strengthening safety measures, he refuted it as "provocative remarks".

"All these seem to be openly ransom, intending to intimidate and shake our society," Putin said in a speech on the Federal Security Bureau of Russia's domestic intelligence institutions on Tuesday, mentioning Western warnings.

A proper example is: a few hours before the terrorist attack, official media reported that Russia had added the "LGBT movement" to the official list of "terrorists and extremists"; Russia had announced homosexuality last year.Rights move illegal.Terrorism is also one of the many allegations proposed by prosecutors to prosecution opposition leaders and Alekse Navalni, who died last month.

"" In a country where anti -terrorism special forces hunt online commentators, terrorists will always feel free, "Russian military analysts in exile and overseas Lasnin Levyev said on social media on Saturday.

Although the Islamic State has repeatedly claimed to be responsible for the attack, Ukraine has denied any relationship with the incident, but the Clemlin's messenger still tries to persuade the Russian public, which is just a cheating.

The host of the Russian National Television Oliga Scarpoyeva wrote on Telegram that the Ukrainian military intelligence department has found the "look like the Islamic State" attacker, "but this is not the ISIS State" to do it. "EssenceMargareta Simonnyyan, the editor -in -chief of RT (Russia), which is invested and operated by the state, wrote that reports on Islamic State's responsibility for attacks are the same as the "basic tricks" of American news media.

In the golden -time talk show on the first channel of the National Television, Russia's most famous extreme conservative theorist Alexander Du Jin claims that Ukraine's leadership and "their puppet controller in the Western intelligence department" must be mustOrganizer of this attack.

This is a "destroying trust in the president". Du Jin said that it proves that it has given ordinary Russian ordinary people that they have no choice but to unite except to unite to support Putin's Ukrainian war.

Du Jin's daughter died of a car explosion near Moscow in 2022. U.S. officials said that the incident did get some of the Ukrainian government departments, but no Americans participated.

U.S. officials have stated that there is no evidence that the Ukraine has participated in the concert hall attack, and Ukrainian officials laughed at Russia's allegations.The Ukrainian Military Intelligence Agency representative Andreyev said that Putin claimed that the attacking manufacturer fled to the Ukrainian border and wanted to enter Ukraine with the help of the Ukraine authorities.

In recent months, Putin has become more confident than the launch of the full invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.The Russian army has re -grasped the initiative on the front line, while Ukraine is facing difficulties in the West's weakening and lack of military personnel.

In Russia, the presidential election and its long -established results highlight Putin's status of leading national politics.

Political scholar Kanev said he believes that many Russians are now "shocked" because "the restoration of order has always been Putin's signature."

There were many terrorist attacks in the early days of Putin's ruling. In 2004, the hostage incident of Buaslan School was one of the most serious examples; he used these violence to prove that he canceled the rationality of political freedom.Before Friday, a terrorist attack with a large -scale casualties occurred in the capital area was 2011, and it was a suicide explosion that killed 37 people killed by Moscow airport.

Nevertheless, in view of the efficiency of the Kremlin's suppression and news media, Coutinov predicts that as long as the violence is no longer repeated, the political consequences of the concert hall attack will be very limited.

"To be honest, our society has been used to being silent about the topics that cause trouble," he said.