The Minister of the Chinese Embassy in the United States said in his speech at the 2024 National Education Conference of the United States that the Chinese and American people's mutual language can reduce misunderstandings, enhance mutual trust, and promote the development of Chinese and American cultural exchanges.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Jingquan attended the 2024 National Education Conference of the National Education Conference in the Chinese Embassy in the United States in the United States of the United States last Saturday (March 23) and delivered a speech.

He pointed out that learning the language of each other enables the people of China and the United States to continue to cross language barriers and cultural differences, to understand and respect each other, reduce misunderstandings, enhance mutual trust, and promote the development of Chinese and American humanitiesIt is of great significance.

Nearly 200 Chinese teachers, educational managers and industry experts from 30 states in the United States participated in the 2024 National Education Conference. The theme of this conference was "Building a bridge and a new year."

Jingquan thanked the participants to contribute to the development of the development of Chinese education in the United States, encouraging more young people who learn Chinese in the United States to communicate and learn from China.

He said that the Chinese Embassy in the United States will always pay attention to and support the development of Chinese education in the United States, and is willing to provide all the support and help that can be provided to jointly promote the further development of Chinese education in the United States.