According to the South Korean Central Daily reported on the 23rd, the South Korean government recently prepared to invest in the "6G era" by increasing the three major mobile communications companies including SK Telecom, South Korea Telecom (KT) and LG U+."The pace of multi -country's" Dream Technology "is accelerating. Not only South Korea, the United States, Europe, and Japan have added 6G technology competitions." The report said that at the World Mobile Communications Conference held last month, the United States and Britain, Australia, Canada, South Korea, and Sweden issued a joint statement, saying that they reached a "common principle" on the research and development of the 6G wireless communication system.

South Korea SK Telecommunications logo (Visual China)

South Korea and the United States and other countries are the first to be united in the 6G field, which is interpreted to curb China's leading position in the 6G market.Earlier in the global 5G market, China was already in a dominant position. Last month, China Mobile Communications Co., Ltd. successfully launched the world's first 6G architecture verification star.

In fact, 6G commercialization preparations for many countries have begun.The US House of Representatives passed the Future Network Act in 2021, requiring 6G working groups consisting of government, enterprises, and public interest groups as soon as possible.The Japanese government announced the "surpassing 5G promotion strategy" in 2020 and set up an additional budget to set up 6G R & D funds in 2022.The EU established and expanded the 6G R & D Alliance centered on private enterprises.South Korea listed 6G as one of the 12 national strategic technologies last year, and set the earliest goal of realizing commercial use in 2028."We will compete for global hegemony by investing in the investment of 6G technology by the investment of 6G technology."

South Korea accelerates the layout of 6G development and strives to rob "dominant power" because it is the first country in the world to realize 5G commercialization.According to reports, Samsung Electronics was the leader of the global 5G communication equipment market in the early days, but in the backward position with Huawei, Nokia, and Ericsson later.

Some Korean media reports that after South Korea's first commercialization of 5G, the actual performance is not good, and there is no need to run on 6G.In addition, the three major telecommunications companies including SK Telecom, South Korea Telecom (KT) and LG U+have previously been sanctioned by the South Korean Fair Trading Commission for publicity because of "20Gbps, 20 times faster than LTE".

For a joint statement issued by the Ten Kingdoms, the chief expert of China Telecom and the academician of Bell Laboratory in the United States said in an interview with the Global Times reporter that for the development of 6G, there are several countries in the world, including China and India, and have a significant impact.The lack of these important countries in the statement shows that timely communication between countries in politics, economy and business is very important.If these communication is not improved in time, the global industrial chain, which is already healthy, may be politically affected and hindered, and develops in the opposite direction of the statement.