On the eve of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs visited China, the Chinese MinistryOfficials introduced the five major goals focused on China, emphasizing that the differences cannot be led by Sino -US relations. They must adhere to the management of the whole process, and mention that they will clarify their positions and requirements on issues such as Taiwan, Economic and Trade Technology, and South China Sea.

According to the WeChat public account of the "Broadly Pacific", the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Monday (April 22) that the day of the visit to China will visit China.Related background and situation.

The person in charge of the United States Division said that Brinken's visit to China is a part of the San Francisco meeting between China and the United States to implement the two heads of state.Keep access to communicate.

The person in charge revealed that the Chinese side focused on the five major goals for Blingken's visit: establishing correct cognition, strengthening dialogue, effective management and control, promoting mutual benefit cooperation, and joint responsibility for the big country.

The person in charge said that China always believes that the two major powers of China and the United States must not be able to go and go, do not deal with, and conflict conflicts. Sino -US relations should be stabilized.The continuous road is moving forward, but China has the interests that must be maintained, the principles that must be defended, and the bottom line that must be adhered to.

The person in charge said that the diplomatic team of the two parties will be reached with mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, maintaining communication, preventing conflicts, abiding by the United Nations Charter, cooperating in the areas of common interests, and controlling bilateral relations responsiblyBased on the seven -point consensus, the competition factors continue to conduct consultation principles of Sino -US relations guidance.

The person in charge said that since the San Francisco meeting, China and the United States have carried out a series of contacts at all levels and fields. The door to China and the Chinese side has always been open, but the United States must recognize that it cannot communicate for communication.To make a set, "The United States is addicted to the allies to fight against the anti -China small circle, which is completely moved against the trend.

The person in charge said that there will be differences in China and the United States in the past, present, and future, but the differences can not be allowed to dominate Sino -US relations.The red line on the problem.China's determination and will to safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests are unswerving. It will focus on explaining solemnity and clear requirements on issues such as Taiwan, Economic and Trade Technology, and South China Sea.

The person in charge emphasized that the issue of Taiwan is the first irreplaceable red line in Sino -US relations. China has resolutely opposed the recent words and deeds of the United States on the Taiwan issue, and urged the United States to abide by the three joint communiqués of China and China and the United States.Oppose "Taiwan's Independence", stop armed armed in Taiwan, stop interfered in China's internal affairs, and support China's peaceful unity.

The person in charge criticized the United States in terms of export control, investment review, and unilateral sanctions.Behind the bags is to curb the disaster for the development of China's industry, "it is naked economic coercion and domineering bullying."

The person in charge also mentioned that China has resolutely opposed the United States to intervene in the South China Sea issue and provoke China and Asia's Diandan relations. China is willing to continue to deal with the parties related to the parties through dialogue negotiations, but territorial sovereignty andMarine rights cannot be violated.China and the United States have established a negotiation mechanism for maritime affairs and Asia -Pacific affairs, but the United States is not a person in charge.

In addition, the person in charge said that for a period of time, the two sides made progress in the fields of anti -drug, law enforcement, technology, artificial intelligence, agriculture, and health.The direct flights between the two countries have increased, the industrial and commercial community and local provinces and states are closely exchanged, and the teenager exchanges are active. It fully shows that China and the United States have extensive common interests. It also shows that the hope of Sino -US relations in the people, the foundation in the people, the future in the future, the vitality of the youth, and vitality in the future.place.

The person in charge also mentioned that China and the United States are also permanent members of the Security Council, and have special responsibilities to maintain international peace and security.China plays a constructive and responsible major country on hot issues such as the Middle East, Ukraine, and the Korean Peninsula. "We hope the same is true of the United States."