Taiwan media reported that the Minister of October Chen Shizhong will become the new government committee member.

Comprehensive reports of Dongsen News Cloud and Zhongshi News Network, Lieutenant General Chen Shizhong, who belongs to Taiwan Cai Yingwen, became the new government committee member, and Deng Zhenzhong, who belonged to Britain, was stayed as a government committee member.

Chen Shizhong served as the commander of the Central Popular Epidemic Command Center during the crown disease epidemic. After vaccine procurement and high -end vaccine, it became the target of strong attack on the wild party. ThereforeList of partition legislators.However, at the time, there was a layout. If the Presidential election of the Green Camp could win, Lieutenant General Chen Shizhong served as a administrative member to assist in supervising the health -related business.

Wu Siyao, the director of the Democratic Progressive Party Legislative Yuan, said in an interview on Monday (April 22) that Chen Shizhong still stood on the front line after many discredit and personality attacks.Looking forward to our eternal epidemic prevention hero Chen Shizhong can enter the cabinet team to check our more progressive medical policies. "

The 21st century trade initiative of Taimei will enter the next stage of negotiations. Deng Zhenzhong shoulder the heavy responsibility. In order to continue the progress of the Taimei negotiations, Zhuo Rongtai, the president of the Executive Yuan, has finalized him to stay in government committee members and continue to continue.Promote negotiations on economic and trade negotiations on the United States and external.

The preparation of Taiwan government committee members can be set up seven to nine. At present, in addition to Deng Zhenzhong and Chen Shizhong, Liu Jingqing, chairman of the National Development Council, Wu Chengwen, chairman of the National Science Council, and Chen Jinde, chairman of the Public Engineering Association, will also beConcurrently served as a government affairs committee.

As of now, the administrative members of the New Cabinet of Taiwan's Cabinet, the Election Association, Finance, Agriculture, Foreign Agriculture, National Defense Minister and National Security officials have not been officially announced, and it is expected to announce this week.

Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde announced on April 10 that the former Chairman of the DPP Zhuo Rongtai will be the president of the executive after the new government will take office on May 20th. Zheng Lijun, Gong Mingxin and Chen Shikai will serveDeputy Pavilion, Secretary -General of the Executive Yuan and spokesman for the Executive Yuan.

Zhuo Rongtai announced on April 12 that the former legislator of the DPP Liu Shifang, the current Secretary -General of the Executive Yuan Li Mengyan, the Attorney General of the Taipei Procuratorate Zheng Mingqian, the president of Sun Yat -sen University Zheng Yingyao and The famous Taiwanese writer and screenwriter Li Yuan will take over as the Minister of the Interior, respectivelyMinister of Transport, Minister of Legal Affairs, Minister of Education and Culture.

Zhuo Rongtai announced on April 16th that a new group of cabinet members, Guo Zhihui, chairman of Chongyue Group, and Huang Yannan, CEO of the Information Security Specialist Center of Taiwan Central Research Institute, will take over as the Minister of Economic Minister and Digital Development Minister, respectively.EssenceChairman of the National Development Council, chairman of the National Science and Technology Council, chairman of the HKMA, and chairman of the Public Engineering Association, Liu Jingqing, former chairman of Zicheng Innovation Consulting Co., Ltd., Wu Chengwen, President of Nantai University of Science and Technology, Department of Risk Management and Insurance of Taiwan Politics UniversityProfessor Peng Jinsong and Chen Jinde, the former agent of Yilan County.

On April 19, , Meteorological expert Peng Qiming will be the Minister of the Environment. He Peishan, deputy secretary -general of the Executive Yuan, will be the Minister of Labor. Gu Xiufei, chairman of the Hakka Commission of Tainan City, will take over as chairman of the Central Customer Committee and Minjin.Qiu Taiyuan, a former party legislator, will serve as the Minister of Health and Welfare and the director of the Aboriginal Cultural Development Center Zeng Zhiyong as the chairman of the Aboriginal Association.