Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Kuomintang party in Taiwan, confirmed that the Blue Camp will streamline the two -thirds of the hands of the Think Tank's "National Political Foundation" because of insufficient funding.

Comprehensive Taiwanese media reports such as Zhongshi News Network and Zhongtian News Network reported that Zhu Lilun attended the 2024 Myanmar New Year's Bathing Campaign in 2024 (April 21), and was asked about the "National Foundation".Two -thirds of the layoffs said that the DPP has blocked the financial resources of the Kuomintang, so that the Foundation had to streamline the manpower in order to continue its operation.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the most important purpose of the foundation in the past is to hope to cultivate good talents for Taiwan and design many good policies.In recent years, the Democratic Progressive Party has been in power. It has been blocked by improper party property regulations, so that the foundation cannot obtain financial resources, nor can it pick up any public sector cases.S $ 3.35 million).

Zhu Lilun said that under this circumstance, the Kuomintang can only reduce the foundation of the foundation this year through transformation, reform, and lightweight, and combined with civil resources.Yuan NT $.

Zhu Lilun shows that next year will continue to reduce the cost, so that the Foundation can combine important platforms and social resources in the future, and continue to provide the best policies to the legislators and local governments of the Legislative Yuan.