On May 20th, Taiwan's new president and ruling team worked continuously around, and Beijing increased pressure on Taiwan's military and economy.Interviewed scholars analyzed that Beijing controlled the risks of the shipbuilding ships through the China -US dialogue. Regardless of the relationship between China and the United States or cross -strait relations, they were more concerned about long -term development rather than short -term hegemony.

Lai Qingde, the president of the Democratic Progressive Party, and Xiao Meiqin, vice president, and the new cabinet formed by the executive director Zhuo Rongtai, will swore to work on May 20.Lai Qingde, who claims to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", how to set cross -strait relations in the inauguration speech, and related talks will relieve or intensify contradictions and attract the attention of all parties.

Entering 520 countdown for a month, Beijing's pressure tract has increased significantly.According to the website of the Taiwan Ministry of Defense, from April 18th to 22nd, a total of 45 sub -China military aircraft (33 of which over the Taiwan Strait) were found and 27 sub -warships were on the Taiwan Strait.Especially on April 20th, the Taiwan Army discovered 21 military aircraft to the sea, of which 17 crossed the Taiwan Strait midline and cooperated with the warship to perform joint warning police patrols.

On Friday (19th) on the mainland, it also announced that it is closely adjacent to Taiwan The connection routes of the two outlying island airspaces run from west to east; and the anti -dumping tax of 22.4%of polycarbonate produced in Taiwan is five years.Polycarbonate can be used in the fields of electronics, film, automotive, optics, medical equipment and safety protection.

In addition, the House of Representatives of the United States also passed four bills on April 20 with an overwhelming majority ticket. In addition to Ukraine and Israel, which was in the war of war, also allocated billions of dollars to provide weapons to Taiwan, add firewood to the cross-strait situation.

Seeing that the situation in China and the United States and the Taiwan Strait is tight, China and the United States have stepped up the dialogue window. In Beijing and Shanghai, discuss bilateral, regional, and global issues including the Taiwan Strait relations.

Although the official cross -strait official has been interacted for eight years, the former President Ma Ying -jeou in Taiwan led a group to visit Lu to start the "Tour of Peace Friendship", and on April 10th, he held the "Xima Second Association" in Beijing and China. "Cross-Strait belongs to the Chinese nation" as the cross-strait regime. , The mainland is actively inviting to communicate in land in the wild party and civilians.

Qiu Kunxuan, a former member of the National Security Council and a honorary professor of the East Asia Research Institute of the University of Politics, pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that Washington actively sent senior officials to shuttle on both sides of the strait to "drag in Beijing and grab the US presidential election on November 5th."Taipei", the most important thing to avoid accidents, first stabilize the situation in the Taiwan Strait and create a favorable atmosphere for Biden's victory.

He pointed out that Beijing has exerted a two -handed strategy to Taiwan. On the one hand, it is "Single and American" to operate the Sino -US dialogue to control the risks of Taiwan. On the other hand, it takes the initiative to invite and actively promote the exchanges with the people of Taiwan and the wild party.

Qiu Kunxuan has participated in the "Xi Jun" twice throughout the process, including the first historic meeting of the cross -strait regulation in Singapore on November 7, 2015, and the Xi Ma Eri Society in Beijing on the 10th of this month.Essence

He revealed that when he participated in the "Xi Ma Erhui" half -hour closed -door talks, the deepest impression was the voice outside the string disclosed in the two sentences of Chinese officials: First, when Chinese officials talked about cross -strait issues, they emphasized that they should look at China.The national "overall interests" and "long -term development"; the second is that some countries have deep doubts about the modernization of mainland China, and "fear that China will surpass them."

Qiu Kunxuan said that in the interpretation of the official discipline conversation, he felt that the Chinese official attitude towards the overall situation of cross -strait relations was "waiting", unless the objective situation changed significantly.Qiu Kunxuan interpreted this that as long as Taiwan is not unique and the United States does not step on the red line, the mainland will not move.

He revealed that Chinese officials also mentioned that China has never had the thinking and actions of the country's strong power, and respects the self -choice of other countries.Qiu Kunxuan believes that this shows the self -confidence of mainland China for its national strength. Chinese officials seem to use this to refute the international popular exposition of "once modern Chinese will challenge the US hegemony."Maintain your own hegemony.