The US House of Representatives voted on Saturday (April 20) and passed the 2024 National Security Supplementary Democratic Democratic Act to give 8.12 billion U.S. dollars in the Indo -Pacific region including Taiwan (Same as Sim, about 11.05 billion yuan).According to the Taiwan Department of Defense, the United States passed the support of the Taiwan aid bill to show its support for Taiwan's strong rock.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense issued a press release on Sunday (21st). For the increasing conflict between the U.S. Congress in the Middle East, the Russian war in Urpot continued, and it still agreed to set up 8.12 billion US dollars to ensure the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait and express it.grateful.

The Department of National Defense said that the bill of US $ 1.9 billion in the bill is specified for the US Department of Defense to assist Taiwan and regional partnerships, including replenishing the US Department of Defense to assist Taiwan for military reserve;, Military education and training; or other countries that provide assistance in Taiwan to provide assistance in Taiwan fully show the US support for Taiwan's strong rock.

The Department of Defense of the Taiwan National Defense emphasized that in the future, it will coordinate relevant budget uses with the United States through existing exchanges, strengthen the energy reserve energy to ensure the peace and stability of Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a US $ 95 billion foreign aid bill on Saturday to provide security assistance to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.The US Senate is expected to review the bill next Tuesday (23rd) and conduct preliminary votes on the afternoon of the same day.

Ukraine received US $ 60.84 billion aid from this bill, of which $ 23 billion was used to supplement US weapons, inventory and facilities.Israel will receive $ 26 billion aid, of which $ 9.1 billion will be used for humanitarian needs.