Former Taiwan President Ma Yingjiu ended on Thursday (April 11) to return to Taiwan for 11 days to visit Lu, and then mentioned the "Republic of China" when he delivered a speech at the airport.When asked if it was wrong, Ma Ying -jeou laughed without answering.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan United News Network and Dongsen News, Ma Ying -jeou said that this visit to the mainland for 11 days allows young people in Taiwan to deeply understand Chinese history and culture, even if Taiwan and mainland China ’s political systemDifferent, the outlook on life and values ​​are not the same, but they are all descendants of Yan and Huang.

The Taiwanese media asked afterwards to say whether the "Republic of China" was wrong. Ma Ying -jeou left after laughing, and the Kuomintang legislator Lai Shizheng said that he was intentional.

When Ma Ying -jeou opened his speech with Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China on Wednesday, he also mistakenly mentioned the "Republic of China" and changed to the "Chinese nation".

When Ma Yingjiu returned to Taiwan on Thursday, he called on young people in Taiwan to set aside ideology, and realized that the history and cultural links between Taiwan and the mainland were not political.More importantly, "Chinese people on both sides of the strait can solve the dispute in a peaceful way. As long as they have a common political foundation in 1992, the two sides can continue to talk."

Ma Ying -jeou will lead Taiwanese youth students from April 1st to 11th to the mainland, Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing, and return to Taiwan on Thursday morning.Essence