(Taipei Comprehensive News) The Macau National Father Memorial Hall is the assets of the Taiwan government. Recently, it may be forced to take over by mainland China.The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China denied on Wednesday (April 10), and the refutation of this statement was "no reason, political manipulation."

According to the United Daily report, the latest report of the Taiwan MAC pointed out that the Macau SAR Government listed the Macau National Father Memorial Hall as the fourth batch of cultural heritage to be evaluated in March last March;Elasticity, if forced sale in the future, the Macau SAR government will receive preferential priority.

According to the rumors of the museum may be forced by the mainland, the State Council spokesman Zhu Fenglian responded at a routine press conference on Wednesday that the Macau SAR government included the memorial hall on the list of real estate in accordance with the law.The so -called 'forced taking over' is completely unprecedented speculation and political manipulation.

The Macau National Father Memorial Hall was originally an apartment of Sun Yat -sen's family. In 1958, it was easily named "Father Memorial Hall". The Macau Affairs Office of the Taiwan MAC was managed. At present, Taiwan -Macao Culture and Art Exchange Exhibition and Cultural and Education Exchange Activities are currently held from time to time.

The Taiwan MAC stated that the Macau National Father Memorial Hall visited 22,279 last year. The museum helps to market Taiwan and expand the exchanges and interaction between people from all walks of life in Taiwan and Macau.

According to the Freedom Times, since 2019, the Macau SAR Government requires land committeeOfficials in the Macau office must sign a letter of commitment ; if the visa refuses will not be issued, it will not be issued to the visa, so that the Taiwanese side cannot send the director.Last year, it was reported that Beijing wanted to "seize property". The Macau government intends to include the building in cultural assets to obtain priority.

The Taiwan MAC submitted to the Legislative Yuan on Monday (April 8), saying that there is no plan to sell the museum in Taiwan.In order to strive for the commemorative museum to be included in the cultural heritage of Macau, it has strived to fight against Macau through multiple pipelines. The Taiwanese side will continue to communicate with the Australian side, and pre -planned the possible situation and response disposal plans to ensure the security of Taiwan's rights and property.