For Xi Ma II reiterated the discussion of the 1992 consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence.In the final political framework, Taiwan's public opinion has long refused.

China President China official and former Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou, 10th in the afternoon 10th, 10th in the afternoon 10thHold talks in the East Hall of the Great Hall of Beijing .This is the first time that the two have met after the Singaporean talks in November 2015.

Chinese officials proposed at the meeting that the key to promoting the peaceful development of cross -strait relations is to adhere to the "1992 consensus" that reflects the principle of China. The core is to have a common awareness of the basic facts of cross -strait and a nation.

Ma Ying -jeou said that in the future, cross -strait should take the best goal of ensuring the well -being of the people, adhere to the 1992 consensus, oppose Taiwan independence, seek common groundwork, set aside disputes, create a win -win situation, and jointly pursue peaceful development.

The Taiwan MAC issued a press release that night, criticizing Beijing through the meeting to publicize the 1992 consensus, promoting integration, and opposition to Taiwan independence.The mainstream public opinion of the Republic of China has long refused. "

The MAC also mentioned that the differences between the two sides of the strait are not language or culture, but the political system and lifestyle. "When the President of Malaysia met with the CCP leaders this time, he failed to disclose the Chinese people to defend to defend to defend the Chinese people.The insistence of the sovereignty and democratic and freedom system of the Republic of China has a deep regret for the expectations of Taiwan society.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan also issued a statement saying that "if China really wants to show goodwill to Taiwan", it should immediately stop various coercion against Taiwan, face up to Taiwan's mainstream public opinion, and under the premise of equal equalization, with Taiwan, Taiwan, Taiwan, and Taiwan, with Taiwan, Taiwan has Taiwan.The election government restarted dialogue, resolved differences and problems.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun said in the afternoon of the year that he believed that Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu was a very important step to promote peaceful exchanges on both sides of the strait. He also hoped that the two parties would adhere to the basic argument when the Singapore talks nearly nine years ago.There is a better foundation for continuous promotion.