The much -watched "Xi Ma Second Club" officially appeared on Wednesday (April 10) at 4 pm in the East Hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.After Xi Jinping, President of Mainland China, and former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou repeated the "grip of the century,", the two sides delivered a three -minute speech for three minutes.

According to the live broadcast of Taiwan media TV, shortly after Ma Ying -jeou said, when the Chinese nation said the phrase "the Chinese nation had experienced a hundred years of humiliation in the past", he misused the "Republic of China" and then corrected it as the "Chinese nation."" ".

The following "Xi Ma II" provided by Ma Ying -jeou's office, Ma Ying -jeou's opening conversation full text:

Hello!Friends from the mainland, colleagues of our delegation and students, and media friends present, hello everyone!

This time I took the young students in Taiwan to visit the mainland, thanks to the enthusiastic reception of the mainland. In the past few days, students have a deep understanding of the root cause of Chinese culture, experience the actual development of the mainland, and feel more.Blinds between the two sides of the strait are thicker than water.

The Chinese nation has gone through a century of humiliation in the past. In the last 30 years, under the efforts of Chinese people on both sides of the strait, step by step towards the road of revitalizing China together.Although the two sides of the strait are developing under different systems, people on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation and are all descendants of Yanhuang. They should help cooperate with each other and work hard to revitalize China.This is also when I met Mr. Xi in 2015, the two sides reached an important common belief.

Last year, I brought the young students in Taiwan to visit, and invited teachers and students of mainland colleges and students to return to visit. The natural water and milk of college students on both sides of the strait can be said to be "naturally natural, can't stop."The young people on both sides of the strait represent the future of the Chinese nation. The establishment of friendship at the earlier stage of life can definitely lay a more solid foundation for the sustainable and peaceful prosperity of the two sides of the strait.

Looking at the enthusiasm and goodwill in the eyes of young students on both sides of the strait, I further thought about the happiness of descendants of the descendants of the Chinese nation.For Taiwan, there is no stable and peaceful cross -strait, and there is no stable Taiwan.For the Chinese nation, there will be no bright and bright future without peace and prosperity.I sincerely hope that both sides should attach importance to the value and lifestyle cherished by the people, maintain the peace of the two sides of the strait, and ensure the mutual benefit of both sides of the strait with the wisdom contained in Chinese culture.

The recent situation on both sides of the strait has caused many people in Taiwan, but I always remember that Mr. Lu Xun said, "The brothers of the robbery are here, and you will laugh at each other."Nations are unbearable. Chinese people on both sides of the strait are definitely intelligent, handling various disputes peacefully, and avoiding conflict.

In 1992, the two sides of the strait reached the consensus of "each expressed in verbal expressions'" both sides of the Taiwan Strait ".In the future, the two sides of the strait should take the best goal of ensuring the well -being of the people, adhere to the "1992 Consensus", oppose "Taiwan independence", seek common ground while deposit differences, set aside disputes, create a win -win situation, and pursue peaceful development together.

I sincerely look forward to it: mutual benefit and prosperity on both sides of the strait, work together, revitalize China, and let the Chinese nation look up in front of the world!