Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou ended 11 days of visit to Mainland China, and returned to Taiwan on the morning of Thursday (April 11).

Comprehensive Zhongshi News Network and Ta Central News Agency reported that Ma Ying -jeou ended the mainland visit. At 8:35 am on ThursdayAirport.

Pan Xianlou, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, Xia Linmao, deputy mayor of Beijing, Huo Guangfeng, director of the Beijing Taiwan Office, and Yang Yi, director of the Liaison Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office, to the airport.

Ma Ying -jeou shook hands with the land staff one by one. Some land officials said, "Welcome to come again."Ma Ying -jeou also waved to the media in the apron.After boarding the plane, Ma Ying -jeou waved away from the window again and said goodbye to the officer.Young students of the University of Jiu School enthusiastically embraced the mainland reception staff.

March 25, March 25In the report, at the invitation of the mainland, Ma Ying -jeou will lead youth students to go to Guangdong, Shaanxi and Beijing, the mainland from April 1st to 11th to visit the Chinese cultural historical attractions and enterprises, and attend the Ceremony of the Huangdi Mausoleum.Students visit Sun Yat -sen University and Peking University to communicate students on both sides of the strait.

The Ma Ying -jeou Foundation initially reported that Ma Ying -jeou will meet with Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China.According to Taiwan media reports, the second meeting of the two was originally scheduled to be held on April 8th. Later, Beijing News revealed that Ma Ying -jeou received the latest itinerary notification on April 6.Hold.

Ma Ying -jeou and Xi Jinping met on Wednesday. This was the two people communicated face to face again after the Singapore meeting in 2015.The topic of the two focuses on the three major themes of the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, and youth exchange, and reiterated the position of 1992 consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence.