Between Matsufuwo Port in Taiwan and Mawei Port, Fujian, mainland China, the first sailing on Tuesday (April 9) through the "Small Three -link" routes.To Matsu, the delivery can be completed the next day.

Comprehensive China News Network and the Central News Agency reported that the first flight ceremony of "Matsu-Mazu Maritime Freight" was held on Tuesday morning at Mawei Qingzhou Container Pier.In the small three -way model, the mainland cargo can be shipped to Matsu in just a few hours, and the delivery can be completed the next day.

Wang Zhongming emphasized that this will provide the industry's high efficiency and low -cost operating niche, hoping that the hose will be opened by the route, bringing efficient, economical and convenient freight.

The Lianjiang County Government said that the Xinlong 996 freighter is expected to be two times a week, to and from the ponytail and Wo Wo. Each voyage can be mounted 160 -foot containers.Life home supplies, seafood official customs declaration and other services.

Fouvo and Mawei are designated ports in small three -way. The above routes are based on maritime freight routes under the structure of small three -way, mainly loading large materials.