Nine years of violations, Chinese officials in mainland China and former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou met again in Beijing on Wednesday (April 10).Consensus and opposition to Taiwan independence.

This is the first meeting since the two sides of the strait in 1949 in Singapore in November 2015 in November 2015.However, compared with the last time, Ma Ying -jeou has no official position today, but he continues to obtain high -standard courtesy.

According to the live broadcast of Taiwan TVBS and Zhongtian TV, the two played the "grip of the century" as soon as they met. The handshake time was as long as 16 seconds. Chinese officials also smiled to Ma Ying -jeou: "You have not changed."

Chinese officials also lasted the title nine years ago at the beginning of the talks. It was called Ma Ying -jeou as "Mr. Ma", praised him to have national feelings, adhere to the 1992 consensus, oppose Taiwan independence, promote the peaceful development of cross -strait relations, promote cross -strait youth exchanges, Committed to revitalizing China, "I am highly evaluated this."

Chinese officials then mentioned that compatriots on both sides of the strait belong to the Chinese nation, and emphasized that "compatriots on both sides of the strait are all Chinese, no knot cannot be resolved, no problems cannot be discussed, and no forces can separate us."

He said that the distance of the strait is to block the flesh and blood of compatriots on both sides of the strait; the different systems cannot change the objective facts of the two sides of the strait as one country and a nation; external interference cannot stop the historical general trend of the family reunion.

Chinese officials also refer to the young people on both sides of the strait to enhance the aspirations, bones, and confidence of the Chinese people, create a long and well -being of the Chinese nation, and continue to write the new glory of the Chinese nation.

This talks was held in the east hall of the Great Hall of Beijing.The Chinese official and Ma Ying -jeou had lectures on the table in front of Ma Ying -jeou.

Ma Ying -jeou was called "General Secretary Xi" at the beginning of the game, and once misunderstood the "Republic of China", and then corrected it as the "Chinese nation".

He emphasized that although the two sides of the strait developed under different systems, the people on both sides of the strait belonged to the Chinese nation and were all descendants of Yanhuang. They should help cooperate with each other and commit to revitalizing China."This is also when I met Mr. Xi in 2015, the two sides reached an important common belief."

Ma Ying -jeou also pointed out that for Taiwan, there is no stable and peaceful cross -strait, and there is no stable Taiwan.For the Chinese nation, there will be no bright and bright future without peace and prosperity."I sincerely hope that both sides should pay attention to the value and lifestyle cherished by the people, maintain the peace of the two sides of the strait, and ensure that the two sides of the strait are mutually beneficial and win -win with the wisdom contained in Chinese culture."

Ma Ying-jeou also mentioned that It has caused tensions on both sides of the strait, which has caused triggering.Many people in Taiwan are uneasy.But he remembered that Lu Xun said: "The brothers of the robbery were gone, and they met with a smile."If a war on both sides of the strait occurs, it is unbearable to the Chinese nation. Chinese people on both sides of the strait will definitely have enough wisdom to deal with various disputes peacefully to avoid conflict.

He finally said that in 1992, the two sides of the strait reached the consensus of "each expressed in verbal expressions'" both sides of the Taiwan Strait ".In the future, cross -strait should take the best goal of ensuring the well -being of the people, adhere to the 1992 consensus, oppose Taiwan independence, seek common ground while deposit differences, set aside disputes, create a win -win situation, and pursue peaceful development together.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the official Chinese officials have also proposed to firmly guard the common homeland of the Chinese nation, firmly create the long and well -being of the Chinese nation, firmly cast a sense of community of the Chinese nation, and strengthen the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.Essence

He said, "I sincerely invite Taiwan compatriots to go to the mainland to go, and I will also see that the mainland will go to the treasure island of the motherland.".sg/News/China/Story20240404-3258899 "R = NOFOLLOW TARGET = _blank> April 3rd Hualien Strong Earthquake Surgery express condolences.

Ni Yongjie, the director of the Shanghai Taiwan Institute, pointed out in an interview with the United Morning Post that Wang Huning and Cai Qi, including the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, attended the talks together. It can be seen that Beijing received Ma Ying -jeou with ultra -high specifications."A warm current in the wind", "The current situation of the Taiwan Strait is complicated and severe, and the wind and clouds are of course meaningful."

Wang Xinxian, a special professor of the East Asia Research Institute of Taiwan Politburo, believes that Ma Ying -jeou specifically mentioned that "both sides should pay attention to the value and lifestyle cherished by the people", that is, under the framework of the Chinese nation and Chinese culture, expressing it to Beijing should respect to Beijing.The value and lifestyle advocated by Taiwan.